Sponsor the Kiddo in July!

image: cuddly cactus

Are you interested in promoting your online shop, Etsy store or cool blog? Well July is right around the corner and we’d love to have you join us as we continue our ride into summer!

Modern Kiddo has quickly become the go-to favorite for vintage loving mamas every where, and we couldn’t be happier! There are still sponsor spots available for the coming month. Our rates are super affordable. To find out more, just email us: howdy [at] modernkiddo [dot] com for our rate card or to book a spot!


Modern Kiddo first made its debut back in January 2010 and the response has been phenomenal. In less than a year we were named one of the 50 Best Design Blogs for Moms on Babble.com as well as listed as one of the Top 4 Kids’ Design Blogs on OhDeeDoh Homies. Most recently we were given a thumbs up by Daily Candy Kids and Lucky Magazine as their fave Kids’ Design Blog reads. Hot dog!

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