CRAFTOBER:: My Peachy Princess!

What a fun crafty month, it has been!  I’ve certainly been spending more time this month than in the past year glue-gunning, modge-podging and sewing my little heart out. And all for a specific little project. A certain little someone’s innocent Halloween costume request.

“Mama, I am going to be an orange princess for Halloween!” the Peach declared one day.

Hmmm… Not pink (which would have been buy, that is) but orange. Her favorite color. Hoo boy.


I first ran to Beverly’s the closest craft/fabric store I could get to and lo and behold orange satiny fabric was on sale–$4.00 a yard. HUZZAH! I snatch up four yards and some other stuff along with this pattern.  It has easy on the the pattern envelope and I’ve owned a sewing machine for thirty years. how hard could it be?

It turns out pretty hard.  Like stab a seam ripper in my eye hard at times.

Well, not necessarily hard, but time consuming, filled with little steps and the fabric was a total nightmare. Hard to press, and if you look at it wrong, it will freak out on you.

But once I got into sewing it, I began to slowly fall back in love with sewing.  And I let my craft flag fly! I even turned a bachelorette crown topped with wee gentlemen parts into a sassy orange glittery rhinestone.

So, how did the final dress turn out?  Well, someone really likes it! And that is the most important thing. I tried to sparkle it up with more lace and lacing. And wee bit of pink.  The Peach gasped with happiness when she saw herself in the mirror. Twelve hours and $50 worth of fabric and ribbon and netting netted the happiest little orange princess around.

Just don’t look too close at the hem. That’s all I ask…

How was your crafty month? What are you working on right now?


15 thoughts on “CRAFTOBER:: My Peachy Princess!

  1. ADORABLE! She looks magnificent.

    I was relatively crafty this month–managed to origami my way into a little Peter Pan hat for Gillian’s pixie dust costume, and got (I think) especially creative by using a fitted crib sheet for the body of her pixie dust sack. Also made some good progress on my needlepoint!

    1. Your little girlies were so adorable in their costumes. But I was particularly impressed by the dyeing of the crib sheet! Well, played, Mama!

      Please post snaps of your needlepoint! I want to see how it is going!!!

    1. Oooh! Gift? I’m intrigued… I really feel like this was a great step in the right direction for me to make me sew more! A nice step in the right direction!

  2. That is a job well done, Dottie. REALLY well done! Yay for the Peach! I hope she had a great Halloween.

    I consider myself a pretty crafty lady, but I never really learned much about sewing, so I’m always amazed at people who make costumes (or anything) without a glue gun. 🙂

    I think we have a friend in common named Joyce who is one hell of a seamstress. Do you know who I’m talking about, and have you ever seen the clothes she makes her daughter? AMAZING.

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