A Peek at Vintage Disneyland.

I just got back from LA and my folks are arriving in a few hours and I’m in “clean the house!” mode ( Sam has been shedding like a maniac!). I haven’t quite finished my Link Hootenanny, but will post it tonight or tomorrow. Until then, how amazing are these vintage Disney photos?? The place is still magical as ever, but I so miss some of the old rides, like the Country Bear Jamboree and America Sings…..

But the main difference is the amount of people. WOW. The crowds are just so insane. It’s pretty incredible how many people visit the Happiest Place on Earth EVERY SINGLE DAY. I think there were 40,000 people there. Or maybe 80,000. I can’t remember. Either way, the number is mind boggling! You’ll notice how much SPACE there is in these photos….

This family in particular is awesome. Always dress up and always having (arms-folded) fun!

images: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


5 thoughts on “A Peek at Vintage Disneyland.

  1. I am so going to have to get my parent’s slides turned into photos because I have quite a few of my own early Disney experiences. My dad used to get free passes from Newsweek and we’d go once a year as well.

    I can’t WAIT to take the Peach there!

  2. wish i could see the country bear jamboree at anahiem – i saw it at tokyo disneyland and well, it was bizarre. all the spoken parts had been re-recorded in japanese but the songs were in english. i can see why its gone from disneyland – its pretty dated and sometimes questionable: most of the songs seemed to be about hard drinkin’
    those rascal bears!

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