Category Archives: Modern Books

The perfect gift to tell your parents to buy for your kiddo—MyChronicle books

I got the call yesterday. Same time every year.

“Could you send me a list of what you think the Peach would like for Christmas?” my mom asks.

My parents try hard to find presents that the Peach really and truly loves.  Nothing makes a grandparent feel so loved and special when they see their present turn into his or her grandchild’s favorite toy or book.  The Peach still enjoys playing with that hardworking toy shopping cart she got for Christmas two years ago from my parents, much to their delight.

That’s why the first thing on the list I’m sending to my parents will be a myChronicle personalized book. With the Peach’s current princess phase, this one will be at the top of the list.

I’m personally crushing on this Petit Collage baby book. What new mama wouldn’t shed a little tear of this one?

I’m particularly charmed by this book about being a big sister.  I think this would be particularly nice since big sisters can get a bit proprietary, so having a book with her name on it might help her relate even more to the travails of being the big sister. Kinda genius, really.  And yes,they do have a big brother book too!


I’m personally eyeing the princess personalized place mat for the Peach.  She’s really really into place mats right now… And this lunch box… LOVE!

There is something about incorporating your child’s name into the book that makes them want to read even more, which is always a good idea in my mind.

Are you a fan of personalization? What items have you had personalized with your kiddos name on them?

Cute Book Alert :: Makes & Takes for Kids

As a lover of crafts who as a kid loved nothing more than getting my hands on some pipe cleaners and construction paper, I am so looking forward to crafting with my own child.  One of my New Year’s resolutions is to introduce the Peach to crafting. However, the thought of letting her loose on my serger just isn’t going to happen until she’s in double digits. So, little steps.

That’s why I’m very excited about this book, Makes & Takes for Kids.

I had the very good fortune to meet Marie LeBaron a year plus ago and fell in love with her and her wonderful blog Makes & Takes, the go to blog for finding creative and fun crafts for kids of all ages.  So, I was tickled pink to find out that she wrote the most marvelous book featuring 50+ seasonal crafts to do with your kiddo.

Check it out!  A most worthy addition to your gift lift. I know I’m adding it to mine!

That’s where Marie’s wonderful book comes in.  Terrific ways to spend a few hours with your kid at the kitchen table having a blast.


Cute Book Alert :: PLOC Magazine

Today’s Cute Book Alert is technically a magazine—and boy is it ever awesome! PLOC is produced by the creative minds of Anorak Magazine and is illustrated by none other than legendary artist of the 60s and 70s, Alain Grée. I’m a huge fan of his children’s books —the illustrations are SO GOOD. We’ve featured him twice here on my Vintage Book Shelf (check it out here and here) so I was extremely excited when the lovely folks at Anorak sent me a copy to check out. I tell ya, it’s a goody, people!

The drawings give it such a charming vintage feel. Dubbed, “The Happy Magazine for Little Ones,” PLOC is geared towards kiddos ages 3-8 years old and I think your kiddos will love it!

This very creative little zine is crammed full of fun activities. Children can read stories, color in pictures, solve mazes and play fun activities like “spot the difference” or ” find which animals have escaped from the zoo.”  It’s so fun to see how it’s focused on learning and having fun at the same time.

Are you loving it??  You know you are! Oh and one more thing…it’s also a terrific size to tuck in your bag for a long car ride or plane trip….or even breakfast out at a fun restaurant! Pick up your own copy in French or English right here.

Cute Book Alert :: Halloween Counting Books

The Peach is aces with the alphabet, but numbers are turning into a bit of a tougher project.  She has pretty much nailed 1 through 10, but after ten things start to get a bit dodgy.

Here’s how Miss Peach counts to 20:

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, February 26!

Hmm…Well, fortunately Alix hipped me to two great books from Chronicle that are not only awesome for little counters, but perfect for this time of year—Halloween!

One of my favorite writers and illustrators, J.otto Seibold created the divine Count, Dagmar!

Is this not the cutest lil’ vampire you’ve ever seen?  I’m totally Team Dagmar!

I love that J.otto has created non spooky Halloweeny things like “six silly monsters” and “seven ghosties”–perfect for my little one who has can sometimes be scared by images in books.

The second book deals fully with the Halloween sugar carnage that is Candy 1 to 20
by Laurie Wolf and Pam Abrams.

What is really grand is that the authors used that innate prettiness of candies and the proper number of candies to count all the way up to 20.  Kinda reminds me of Scandybar for the counting set.

I don’t know about you, but after reading this book, I kinda want to go crazy in a penny candy store!

What are (or were) your favorite counting books in your house?


Cute Book Alert :: The Romeo & Juliet Board Book. No really.

Friar Lawrence? Mercutio? And don’t get me started on Tybalt’s saucy hat….

But wait. The literary cuteness isn’t done yet. There is a second book in the series. The Pride & Prejudice Board Book? Oh yes indeed friends.

Conceived by author Jennifer Adams and illustrated by super talented artist Alison Oliver, these books are just too fun for words. The artwork is simply gorgeous, and the idea extremely clever. Each board book is lightweight but sturdy enough to stand up to many readings (and the occasional chewing). I think parents will get a kick out of these, but they are still appropriate and practical for kiddos! I can’t wait to see what these two talented ladies have up their sleeves….but word on the street is that we have another fun counting primer on the way AND a fun color primer:

You dying? I know I am….special thanks to the amazing Alison Oliver for sending me a copy of BabyLit Romeo & Juliet Board Book. It’s already in Miss Dottie’s hand to share and love with her little Peach!