Category Archives: Uncategorized

Cut from the Same Vintage Cloth

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In many ways, Dottie and I are really similar. Of course we are both obsessed with vintage. And we both count being mamas amongst our best accomplishments. We both love reading and are obsessed with our Kindles. We both totally think alike. We both have a similar work ethic. We were both raised with the same sense of responsibility and values (yay to our moms and dads!). We both love splurging on a glass of champagne. Or a fancy pair of shoes. We are both sticklers when it comes to saying “please” and “thank you”. We both love theater. And movies. And we both share a similar sense of humor (which may or may not include a fondness for doing weird voices and gesturing wildly when talking). But as similar as we are, we’re not twinsies. We really do have different tastes and different strengths. Which is part of what, I think, makes Modern Kiddo such a fun experience (well, for us anyway!). I have always said that Dottie and I are cut from the same cloth…we’re just cut in different styles. As I was looking through our Instagram feeds a while back, I realized we both had posted pictures of cars that caught our eye. And it made me smile. Same cloth. Just different styles.

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Here’s to you, my sweet Dottie!

Vintage Flashback // Ice Capades

Image: 60s Twist

Over the weekend, my friend Melinda posted pix of her little girlie enjoying the heck out of Disney on Ice on Facebook.  There were smiles, BART rides, pictures of playing cards ice skating (think Alice in Wonderland) and a $12 shaved ice cone.  It got me very excited to think about taking the Peach to one next time Disney on Ice skates into town.  It also made me think about the Ice Capades.

My mother swears she took me to the Ice Capades as a child, but I can’t remember it and I’m sure I would have remembered something as spectacular as THIS:

Image: Hollywood Place

The Ice Capades were a traveling ice show that ran from 1940 to 1995 featuring ex-Olympian skaters,  elaborate set-pieces/themes, and costumes that could have been featured in a Hollywood musical.  In the early years, I think they marketed themselves more on the prettiness of the girls than any ice skating capabilities.  At least according to the old Ice Capade programs which featured bombshell Vargas-like covers.  Vavoom!  I have a feeling Dads weren’t against taking their kids to this “wholesome family fun” ice show. Hmmm….

Clockwise: 1, 2, 3, 4

But for me and I’m sure many a little girl in the audience it was about the pretty outfits and the Ice Capades did not disappoint!  It was a costumer’s dream of fabulous outfits worthy of any MGM Musical! Just look at the array of fashion awesomeness here:

Image: Jen O’Sale

I want to meet the costume designer who decided on that bouffant hair style.

images: Retro Space.

I love this 1970 Ice Capade show featured Tim Wood, the 1969 World Figure Skating Champion. Olympics Bronze-winners Margot and Danne skated to a Beatles medley, World Free-Style Champion Tommy Litz appeared in a segment titled “An Astrological Affair.”

Oh, these sexy Librans!  I really don’t understand what the circle ponchos have to do with Libra. But it certainly makes for a sassy look!  With matching gloves, natch!


Or this 1983 Ice Capades jazz handed hot pink tambourine extravaganza?

image: NeatNeatNeat

The Ice Capades had its roots in vaudeville theater, and many early acts included comedians, jugglers, barrel jumpers, magicians, and other such entertainers.

And this guy. Dave Pitts.

That Dave Pitts is one talented gent and is basically a chimp starmaker. Fancy!  I think that is the White Rabbit and Spanky is dressed as Snow White and and. Wow.  Just wow.

image: Hollywood Places

But the Ice Capades weren’t immune to partnering with other brands to make more money. Oh no.  That was a life saver for the show!  Starting with the best partnership.  DISNEY!

I’m not going to lie–that Pluto looks a little roughed up…

Or how about the Smurfs? And Peggy Flemming!

images: LoonBoy2

And–what the heck? A McDonalds inspired Ice Capades?

image: Hollywood Place

I can only imagine storyline of the Golden Hamburger caper with those terrifying pink and yellow mop things! This picture was two pictures that I put next together so you could see the truly magnificent operatic joy of the McDonalds Ice Capades show.

Former Olympian and 70s hair style icon Dorothy Hamill bought the show in 1993 for 10 million dollars, and then sold it to Pat Robertson in 1995, who pretty much ran it into the ground in record time, and the show was bankrupt later that year. There have been attempts to revive the show, but they have failed to get traction. (Note to self: add “Revive Ice Capades” to bucket list…)

But thanks to shows like  Disney on Ice, you can still take your kiddo to a sweet skating show and have a blast (and of course buy them a $12 shaved ice cone! YEAH!).

Did you ever go to Ice Capades when you were a kid? Have you and your kiddo gone to any of the modern day ice shows? ?

Retro Rainbow // PURPLE

It’s time for a little Purple Reign! So yes, purple. Violet. Plum. It’s such an interesting color. Quirky. Cool. A touch regal. It was loads of fun searching the house for treasures in this vibrant shade. I was surprised to find such a big variety of goodies to include in collection.

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Isn’t is purdy?? And can you guess what that last item is? Nope, it’s not a skinny purse. It’s a tote for knitters! You can place a ball of yarn (or two!) inside and your long, long knitting needles.

Retro Rainbow // BLACK + WHITE

About a year or so ago I did a really fun collaboration with one of my best pals, Jenny Mitchell. We have known each other for over ten years—yet we’ve never lived in the same state. Along the way, our fabulous friendship has spanned 2786 miles, three different blog platforms (hello LiveJournal!), the birth of two kiddos, and countless conversations about life, love of pop culture and our common obsession: thrifting. We started the Retro Rainbow as a means of  sharing some of our favorite finds with each other— all with a special color theme.

When the series originally ran, I was guest posting on Jenny’s blog and she on MK. I never actually shared my finds here, so I thought it would be fun to do so. Today’s theme? Black & White!

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Ahhh, I love color but Black and White has been slowly taking over my world. So bold and graphic! Oh, and that last phone purse up there?? It really works! I call it my Spy Purse….you can plug it into the wall and make a call. Ring Ring! Ring Ring! The 70s are calling….they want to let you know you look FABULOUS.


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Hey everyone! Thank you so much for all your kind words and support. We miss you guys madly, but this break has been a very much needed thing.

We’ve been chatting about Modern Kiddo and figuring out all the things we’d like to do here to keep this space fresh and exciting! Right now we are gearing up for the ALT Design Summit. We’ve been going ever since they launched the event, and have been fortunate to have been asked to speak several times as well. It’s really our favorite conference out there, so much fun and such a colorful, design-loving crowd. This year Alix is speaking again (Dottie decided to take some time off from speaking and just relax and enjoy the event!). Will you be attending? If so, we can’t wait to meet you! We’re still working on our little survey and even have a fun giveaway to encourage you to fill it out. Look for that in a week or two!

Again, thank you so much. We heart you guys!