Hey friends. You may have noticed that things have been a little quiet over here lately. We have a lot on our plates over here at Camp Kiddo….silly things like work and daily commitments, but also bigger things. Most significantly was sweet Dottie’s father passing, which has been incredibly hard on her as I’m sure you can imagine. We are on a self-imposed hiatus for a teensy bit. Please bear with us!
In addition to simply dealing with life, we’ve also been thinking a lot about the future of Modern Kiddo…do we continue on with it? Do we morph into something else? Do we simply stop all together? Or do we revamp it and come back better and stronger than ever?? All these questions are swirling around in our brains. And here’s where we’d love your help. I’m putting together a super quick/easy little survey. We’d love to get a little pulse check from YOU guys! You’re really the reason we do this. We’d love to know which things you love most. What you’d like more of. Or perhaps things you’d like less of. Hey, it’s all fair game. I’ve been in the process of a site redesign and before taking that step we’d truly like to get a little gut check from our MK family. As an added incentive, I have a fun little giveaway for everyone who participates in the survey. So stay tuned! And thank you so much for your friendship, support and patience.