Crewel to be Kind :: Vintage Needlepoint

 photo NeedlePoint_1.png
image: Goodwillionaire.

I don’t know about you, but I’ve kinda been crushing on crewel or embroidery with wool. Crewel has always been a popular way for a young lady to spend  an afternoon in the 1800s, but when I think of crewel, it’s not really Laura Ingalls, but more those groovy ladies of the seventies that were embroidering sweet sweet signs like this in the seventies.

And clearly a lot of mushrooms.

(Images via: 1, 2, 3)

Check out this little soul train!

Image via: Etsy.

These darling pieces of vintage crewel cuteness can be found in almost any thrift store today. Danielle scored this sweet kitty.

But sometimes, crewel isn’t so sweet. But more nightmare inducing…

(Image of my worst nightmare via Etsy.)

I still think I can’t help but go to any Estate sale and find the remnants or an unused kit just waiting to come to life.

So, maybe I’ll pick one up at the next estate sale. Have you ever dabbled in the world of crewel. Did your mother or grandmother? Any memories of this wild and wooly craft lurking in your attic?



8 thoughts on “Crewel to be Kind :: Vintage Needlepoint

    1. I’m glad this post is as motivating to you as it is to me to pick up my embroidery.

      Also, I was so bummed when I found the image of the clowns because it is totally nightmare inducing!

  1. I once found The Last Supper in crewel in a city mission. For $8. I gave it to a friend, who hung it up in his frat house, and I fear to think of what happened to it, but it was a true thing of beauty.

  2. i think you saw the crewel i picked up a few weeks ago on instragram, yes? so gorgeous! and i actually have a few of those unopened kits as well. (also, i should not have looked at that clown as it is 1am and i am about to attempt SLEEP, ha!)

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