Meet Sallie Rose!

Sallie Rose will be 4 in October and she is as unique as her name. And I truly mean that because her mama Cassie sent me this photo as an introduction to Miss Sallie Rose.

Yeah. Exactly.  How can you not love a kiddo who combines welding and gymnastics outfits?

Sallie Rose loves to wear dresses and of course anything that is fancy like princess costumes or ballet leotards. She also loves her accessories. She loves to wear sunglasses, hats, rain boots or cowgirl boots (her Mom is from Texas), and she usually always has her purse with her.


She loves to play with her friends and she really enjoys anything artistic. She also loves to make her new little sister, Lulie, smile.  I hope she shows Lulie all of her fashion tricks. And of course how to ride her pony!


PS:  Do YOU have a stylish kiddo you’d like to show off? Send ‘em our way! You can find submission details here. We love all kinds of kiddos…. vintage and thrift loving liddles, modern grooviness tots and simply sweet, down-to-earth kiddos.

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