Weekly Kiddo :: Meet Stella!

There must be something about the name Stella–for they all seem to have a whole bucket of sass matched with cuddly sweetness! This charmer of a Stella hails from Salt Lake City and is the mighty age of four!  And boy, does she have some mad style!

According to her Mama, Victoria, Stella loves singing, dancing, crafting, playing instruments, playing with her sister, Nina, her best friend Miles and other friends, getting a pedicure, squealing and riding horses. She loves to play with her cars, “peoples” (vintage Fisher Price Little People–which completely melts my heart), in her kitchen, on her daddy’s keyboards, on her bike and at the playground. She keeps us busy with her curiosity and creativity. She’s full of sass and spirit, as you can totally tell by these pictures!

What a doll, right?

Her mother told me how Stella loves shoes, but when I looked at the photos, I saw more of a sunglasses love with this girlie!

Most of Stella’s clothing comes from Tea Collection (one of my personal faves), Old Navy, H&M, Target, and Nordstrom with an occasional handmade piece by Grandma Brown or her mama’s friend lovely friend Nicole. Like a most prudent mama, Victoria likes to splurge on one outfit per season, the rest tends to be play clothes from Old Navy, H&M and Target. Clever thinking!

We loved having you here, Stella! And we’ll cover your cutie of a sister soon, too!

Do *you* have a stylish kiddo you’d like to show off? Send ‘em our way! You can find submission details here. We love all kinds of kiddos…. vintage and thrift loving liddles, modern grooviness tots and simply sweet, down-to-earth kiddos.




4 thoughts on “Weekly Kiddo :: Meet Stella!

    1. I know, right? I would have been hanging on to that horse for dear life!

      And how funny, I was just on your site, thinking how much I adore that Ertha Kitsch!

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