It’s Chic to be Geek: Comic-Con inspired Goodies

Image: StarWars Blog

Did you know Comic-Con offers its patrons daycare?  Seriously, how rad is that? As you are reading this I am already down at Comic-Con keeping the dream alive.  Except my dream involves comfortable shoes as standing at the booth all day is maddeningly tough on your feet!

But I digress. It really is amazing to see that Comic Con is truly a family event. I saw more strollers than storm-troopers on the floor today and it made me smile. Clearly these kids are getting quickly versed on the awesomeness that is sci-fi/fantasy genre.  Afterall what is childhood if you don’t delight in a comic book or two?

I must admit that I’ve read more than my fair share of comics back in the day. And I’m delighted to say (and not so delighted to age myself)  I saw Star Wars in the movie theater loving it so much that I had this re-occuring dream Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, Han Solo and R2D2 drove to my house in the Scooby Doo Mystery van asking me to come along with them to space.  No lie, my friends.

Clearly there is a lot of good sci-fi stuff for parents to buy their little Luke Skywalker wannabe or pre-princess Leia.  And of course since so much of it is nerdy wonderful stuff to craft of buy crafted already on Etsy to boot.

Start your little one with his or her jedi master training with this great knit light saber. Hells YEAH!

What happens when you take the Muppet Babies premise and do it to Star Wars? Why this bucket of cuteness happens—Baby Star Wars prints from Etsy seller Ginormous Robot.

Over the past few years, there has certainly been a steady vampire influx at Comic-Con. So, it wouldn’t surprise me too much if I see a little baby gumming  this toothy binky.

Ugly dolls are all the rage, but get your little one hooked on something even cuter. Like a dreamy Capt. Kirk softie. Sigh—I do love William Shatner. Or how about a Spock softie, if you prefer. Hmm…where are the ears?

Until they come out with Dr. Who Lego set, you can get your kids hooked on the good doctor early on creating their own adventures with the Dr. Who Peg doll set.  Yes, please!

And who could really stop at making just one Tribble? Well, here is a great tutorotial on how to make a Tribble.

Can’t you just see them overtaking the crib? Especially if your little one is as sassy as one sweet baby in her equally sassy Star Trek onesie:

image: Modern Kiddo reader Rocket Girl’s little vulcan, Eliza!

“Through the Craft, things you will see.” Things as awesome as this easy to make Paper Bag Yoda puppet:

I think this is my favorite—a crochet Luke from our friends at Geekologie. Wow.

Actually, I think the best way to introduce your kids to the wonders of sci-fi is reading.  There are wonderful, wonderful, wonderful sci-fi lite books to intrigue even the youngest of readers.  Like Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Juster and my personal favorite, A Wrinkle in Time by Madeline L’Engle. Any additional titles to add? I’d love to start a good list!

But regardless of whether you are a Twihard or a Trekkie just know that there are so many great ways to celebrate this amazing genre with your kids. OK, everyone, I gotta get to bed. My apologies for any slurry grammar or run-on sentences. It’s been a day!  But if I did have some energy, I’d spend it nomming on my new favorite site, Vintage Sugarcube, a rad gal who is sending me wonderful places to go in San Diego, if I could leave the conference floor. Le sigh!

Vintage Bookshelf:: Let’s Get Spacey! Vintage Space-Themed Kiddo Books.

Well, Miss Dottie has finally hit the trail and is en route to Comic Con. Of course, I have demanded (in a kind and approachable way, hah) that she tweet her way through the experience—I know she’s going to be very busy working, but I’m crossin’ my fingers that she has some excellent gems to share with us!

In keeping with our Geektastic Space Theme, I thought it would be fun to take a look at some cool spacey kid’s vintage kid’s books and games. HAPPY WEDNESDAY!

image: From This is Cape Kennedy by M. Sasek. From the Collection of Alix

image: from Space Time and Rockets, by Rheta Randolph, illustrated by Jacque Stain, letslookupandsmile

image: wackystuff

image: from Collection of Alix

image: paula wirth

images: crab apple design

image: vintage Arrco “Orbit Play A Way” playing cards,   Ribambelles & Ribambins

images: from Collection of Alix

image: from Russian Children’s Book. 1962. Artist unknown.  letslookupandsmile

Fireball XL-5 was an awesome Space Age TV show from the early 60s that followed the missions of spaceship Fireball XL5, commanded by Colonel Steve Zodiac of the World Space Patrol. Aww yeah. Steve Zodiac. While the show was long before my time, I fell in love with the theme song back in the 90s when a friend played it for me. It’s so peppy and cute. Apparently it was a top hit in Britain back in the day too. Take a listen below and see if you agree!

“MY heart would be a fireball….a fireball, every time I gaze into your starry eyes!” *sigh* Adorably romantic. You know, for a Sci-Fi, Space-Age TV Show Featuring Dolls. I leave you with one last BONUS IMAGE. From a vintage Star Trek book. LOVE the desig, it’s HOT HOT HOT!

Vintage Kiddo: The Force is Strong With This One.

You may not know this about me. But I love Star Wars. The original 1977 film is one of my all time favorite movies and while many may quibble about the special effects not being up to parr and the acting a tad stilted I say, “When 900 years old you reach, look as good, you will not!”

So in honor of Dottie embarking on her COMIC CON Odessey this week, I thought it would be great to take a little trip down memory lane at the cultural phenomenon that was STAR WARS. I don’t care WHO you were, if you grew up in the 70s your life was touched by Star Wars. If you weren’t obsessed with it, then your brother or best friend was. It was a pretty magical time, my friends. Let us begin.

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away…….

…..there were movie theaters that only showed ONE film. Popcorn, coke and a box of milkduds cost less then $10 and movies often only played at two times. Scandal!

image: aroid

Every self respecting kiddo of the 70s had a Star Wars tee and wore it with PRIDE!

image: jessenoonan

This next little feller was heading off to his first day of kindergarten. Big Apple Name Tag, nap time mat, Super Friends Lunch Box…..and his best Star Wars Tee. I love this photo so much, it reminds me of my younger brother Karl—a die hard Star Wars fan.

image: benjamin oderwald

One of the best things about Star Wars toys is that there are soo many photos of a little boy just BUSTIN’ with pride over his latest score:

image: kid ampersand

Oooh this boy had THEE ULTIMATE. The coveted Boba Fett. Boba Fett wasn’t even really in the first movie, but if you collected enough UPC codes from the Star Wars action figures you could send away to the Kenner toy company to receive your FREE Boba Fett Bounty Hunter! No one really knew who the hell he was at that time, but we HAD TO HAVE HIM!! This is the biggun, the 12 incher….not the freebie. You can see how psyched this little guy is:

image: timothy smith

Please note the Incredible Hulk Latch Hook Rug dealie resting casually on the back of the couch of this next one. Grrrrrr!

image: jedi jaybird

It was CLEARLY an excellent holiday at this kid’s house. He got the AT-AT walker from Empire Strikes Back, and his sister scored the Barbie Townhouse. I sooo had that as a little girl—that damn thing wobbled like crazy but how sweet is the elevator?

image: wampa-one

Speaking of kid sisters, they always wanted to get in on the fun too:

image: tom simpson

Image: aaron_73

image: superbomba

How cute is little Leia?? I guess that makes a great segue to COSTUMES. Star Wars costumes became extremely popular—many of them homemade.

image: phil dillon

“Aren’t you a little short for a storm trooper??” hyuck hyuck.  I really love the Mod Lord Vader jumpsuit.

Awwww no wonder Patches is so sad. His buddies got Star Wars coolness while his parents dress him up as a psychotic clown. Wahh Waaaah. Although to be fair the little ewok looks like the love child of  Kenny Rogers and Big Foot…

image: corelliancaptain

STYLIN’!!!!! (and you *know* I’m not talking about that sassy little storm trooper…..hold up. Does Gladys have a SPINNING WHEEL in the left corner over there??? Oh Mah Gawd…..)

image: Two Twumbo Twetzels

The art of Star Wars (as seen through the eyes of a kiddo) was also amazing:

image: r a e d e k e

Now you *know* that awesome Old Spice guy modelled himself after Lando. “Well hello ladies….!”

image: scad92

While most fans were little boys, little girls definitely got in on the Star Wars action too:


“Walk softly and carry a big laser blaster….”

image: Amy/Teruterubouzu

image: Lorena Haldeman

(yeah, the bike is rad. And don’t you fret….a banana seat bike post is totally in the hopper for Vintage Kiddo….)

I think it goes without saying that anybody who was anybody had a Star Wars themed birthday party.

We begin with the awesome Steven. I love that his parents made this sign! Although I gotta say, that little clown on the left is sort of ruinin’ Steven’s jedi mojo.

image: Sam Howzit His mom made extra rad R2D2 name tag for all the kids too. See ’em here.

Mmmmm. Chocolate Vader. Made with Extra Dark Side chocolate….

image: michael rose

Alas, I think Dan’s mom needs a few lessons from the lady up above. She gets an “A” for “artful fork display” and bonus points for two packs of Pop Rocks!

image: dishfunctional

image: igpago

Aaron has the best vintage Star Wars pictures on this Flickr Stream. This was apparently at McDonalds (note the soft serve sundaes). Boba Fett cake? Rockin’…..

image: aaron_73

Look how cute and happy this little guy is. And that cake looks might tasty too….

image: Trent Walton

Not sure what’s more impressive….the sculptural R2D2 or those snazzy Mork from Ork suspenders??

image: Cole Henley

This next one takes the, er, cake. Or rather his mom took the cake….to the damn photostudio. What what what?? Amazing.

image: chilly casey

The finally, the ultimate: having a tricked out Star Wars Bedroom. Many a child lulled themselves to sleep murmuring, “These are not the droids you are looking for…..” cuddled up under these amazing sheets:

image: jesse lockwood

This photo had the best caption. “Darth Vader’s light saber in my eye….but E.T. warming my heart.”

image: gthorn77

image: aaron_73

Sweet dreams little Jedi….

P.S. There is a really amazing Flickr group called Growing Up Star Wars: 1977-1985. You really should check it out—and add your own photos if you have any!

P.P.S  Dottie will be tweeting her way through Comic Con, so be sure to add her to your twitter feed! @missdottie! She’s going there for business, but it’s sure to be PURE GEEKTASTIC pleasure!

Vintage Kiddo Round up!

Well, before I skedaddle down to San Diego, I managed to fold a million baskets of laundry, get mah hair did, do wee bit of sewing, work—you’ll see that Thursday, tend to my sick kiddo and sick sweetie, continue my quest for the perfect pair of jeggings and lastly spend a bit of fun doing some online vintage shopping.

I think this is a particularly fun batch of vintage goodness, so without further ado—let’s get on with the show!

Now, you all know that I love a good jumper. But this little pique cotton jumper with a frog wearing a bathing suit and lined with green and white dottie fabric. With matching buttons… well, it’s just a cup of perfection!

I have always liked Ernie in particular what with his love of rubber duckies and all.  So I probably would have killed for this great vintage 70s Ernie awesome sweatshirt.

I am such a fan of yellow dresses on little girls.  And this buttercup cutie is so adorable. With matching coat no less. And look at those endearing flowers sprouting out of the pockets to boot.  What a great find from eBay fav RobotParade4Kids!

Miss Lishy has done it again with this wonderful overalls featuring only the best sport in the world–HOCKEY!  You gotta check this out–part groovy khaki denim part leiderhosen and all awesome.

As you know, I love a good cowboy-inspired piece of vintage clothing, but what about the Calamity Janes out there?  Well, look no further little cowgirl with this dandy western outfit which includes vest, skirt and belt.

I think I just fell hopelessly in love on Etsy. With these little red slippers.  They are size six, so they are quite tiny. And worn in just so. Can’t you just imagine some sweet little toddler footies as they tiptoed around a Lionel train set that circled the Christmas tree more than six decades ago?  I can and they are sweeter for it.

Speaking of sweet, nothing melts me more than a little sunsuit on a kiddo.  And this tiny vintage one-piece sunsuit is just perfection. Can’t you see this little outfit on your little one toddling towards you in the sandbox?

I  just had to post this sweet little 70s poly dress with the peppiest floral waistband.  And who can say no to a good peter pan collar, eh? Combined with puffed sleeves— I certainly can’t! From Etsy seller, Fresh & Swanky, which fits since this dress is so, well… fresh and swanky!

Babies always need hats, but this little beach beanie is adorable! So funny! Watch Out indeed!

And one last vintage hurrah—a veritable blast from the past—I bring you:


Who didn’t take spend some quality time with Dapper Dan learning how to tie shoes and button items? And this Dapper Dan looks like he has been manhandled with love through the years as he taught a lot of little lads and ladies how to button their shirts.  I salute you Dan and your gal pal Dressy Bessy. Thanks Etsy seller,  Vintage Belle for the lovely walk down memory lane.

Happy Monday and I’ll catch ya’ll tomorrow from a sunnier Southern city.

Meet Kenzington. Our Weekly Kiddo!

I’m so excited to share this week’s Kiddo with you guys. We always try to offer up a range of styles—sometimes more vintage inspired, sometimes a little more indie, sometimes more basics etc etc.  I think our sweet girlie this week offers up a really fun and unique style…to me it’s a little bit of an Indie Bohemian. Oooooh, I’ve piqued yer interest now, haven’t I?? Well just you wait folks. Meet Kenzington! You may recognize her a Kenzie from the awesome blog Kenziepoo. She is the sweet daughter of blogger extraordinaire, Rachelle Wilde. Rachelle is passionate about design and one of my favorite features she does is “Turn this Room Into an Outfit“. Such a cool idea. But back to baby. Little Kenzie’s style is pretty adorable! And as hip and “on trend” as these little duds are, she still looks like a darling little girl. I’m a BIG fan of this, people. Kids should look like kids! OK, on with the show. Meet the magnificent, KENZIE!

I love how the sweet little silver ballerina slippers and amazing leggings make this look hip, while the little dressie keeps her totally sweet! Big props to Kenzie for wearing adorable head gear. Wolfie was such a stubborn kid and refused to wear hats—even as a baby.
+ Studio Dress,  My Rocking Wardrobe
+ Ivy Designs Headscarf
+ Apple Knee Patch Leggings, My Rocking Wardrobe
+ Silver metallic ballet shoes, Gap

Ahhhhh, how cute is this?? I love Paul Frank. And I’m in love with My Rocking Wardrobe, by the way…..a new discovery for me.

+ Headscarf by Ivy Designs
+ Sweet Deer Dress, My Rocking Wardrobe
+ Rainboots by Small Paul, Paul Frank

This out fit is crazy cute. The Panda with the Hat tee is the best. Also, check out the teensy Toms shoes.

+ Panda Hat Tee, Mini Rodini
+ Itch Skinny Jeans
+ Polka Headband
+ Tiny Toms shoes

Oh those apple leggings. Love love love this. And check out those baby blues on Kenzie…
+ Headscarf by Ivy Designs
+ Rosebud Crochet Shawl from My Rocking Wardrobe
+ Apple Leggings from My Rocking Wardrobe
+ White Cardigan from My Rocking Wardrobe

Well hello mysterious girl!

+ Fanny Liberty Top by La Fee Clochette
+ Jeans are Frankie Skinny Jeans by Sudo
+ Black mask by Atsuyo et Akiko

Oh this is one of my favorites. She’s like a little boho princess….super cute.

+ Heart Cell Shirt by Nonchalant mom
+ Ribbon necklace by Atsuyo et Akiko
+ Jeans are Frankie Skinny Jeans by Sudo
+ Feather band by Wovenplay (an awesome sustainable brand)

Soooo cute, right? OK, next up:

+ Studio Dress from My Rocking Wardrobe
+ Ivy Designs Headscarf
+ Leggings from My Rocking Wardrobe
+ Silver ballet shoes (peeking out!),  Gap

And finally…..TA DA!

LOVE this little look as well. Go Kenzie!

+ Shirin Kids Summer Dream Tank
+ Jeans are Frankie Skinny Jeans by Sudo
+ Headband by Ivy Designs

I just love her sweet little smile and rosey cheeks. What a cherub this girl is! So her mama tells us that Kenzie is full of joy! She loves talking, eating, making faces and, of course,  playing with her Mommy and Daddy.

Kenzie loves story time and her favorite books are: A Child’s Day, An Alphabet of Play, and ABC3D by Marion Bataille. Her favorite toys (at the moment!) are her stuffed animals. She and her family just got back from Disney World recently so her Disney character stuffed animals are in high rotation. She is obsessed with “Gooby”(AKA: Goofy), and “Dondald” (AKA Donald) as she affectionately calls them. Rachelle says, “I just recently bought Kenzie a little kitchen for her playroom and she will play with it for hours. She loves to make her Daddy & Mommy delicious fake food!!” When asked what her favorite treat or food is, Rachelle told us, “Kenzie is currently obsessed with cereal. IShe is always asking Momma for “More cereal please!” I think she would eat it all day if I would let her!” I love a good bowl of cereal myself, so I think you have excellent taste little lady! Thank you Rachelle for sharing this totally adorable little girlie with us! Be sure to pop by Kenziepoo for more of Kenzington and loads of design/style inspiration!