Tag Archives: Dames

Real Life :: The Dames Supper Club

There’s nothing more I love than spending time with my family….but let’s be real. Sometimes a girl’s gotta hang with her girls, right? We all have crazy busy schedules, but a little group of us (including myself and Miss Dottie) decided that we could commit to a once-a-month dinner date. I know a handful of people who have little dinner groups where they get together and try out new, hip restaurants—which I have always thought was a really fun idea—so I was all up for it. My friend Doe, however, came up with a really fab spin on this. Her invitation read:

“Hey retro lovin’ mama! Does your child know all the words to The Archies and The Partridge Family? Is their favorite cartoon The Jetsons? Is your child asking YOU how to make a jello-mold? Are you finding it a challenge how to explain to the neighbor kids why all your paintings are paint-by-number?? Well you need to join The Dames de Gâteau!”

The concept? We get all gussied up and meet once a month for dinner and drinks at an old school “retro” restaurant. Of course we always leave room for dessert—hence the name, Dames de Gâteau (Ladies of Cake)! Doe’s sister is part of a similar group in New York (The Dames du Beouf!). I gotta say it was SO MUCH FUN! We chose  Joe’s of Westlake as our first target. Joe’s is an old school Italian restaurant with fabulously retro decor…..

We were pleased to see a whole fleet of seniors strollin’ on in when we got there. The joint was hoppin’!!

Hahaha….OK, I know it totally looks like no one is in the place in that photo, but I swear it was packed….that picture was from the end of the night!

The bar area has this really groovy seating area with a big fireplace.

A little jazzy band was playing, the King Hutch Duo: featuring King Hutch on piano and Eddie on drums! (Between you and me, I think Eddie is getting a bum deal…how come King Hutch gets top billing?? It’s a DUO! We kept cracking up about it. I told Dottie I was going to change the name of Modern Kiddo to “Princess Alix….and Dottie on drums!”

We took our meal in ze Cascade Room.

I tried my very first martini. (I know, right? I realized I have never had one. And here’s why…..it’s completely gross! Sacrilidge I know. But hey, I’m more of a gimlet, lemon drop, cosmo girl….I like a little juice in muh drink. Cosmo’s are one of my favorites but Sex in the City kinda ruined them for “groups of girls going out” and that wasn’t the vibe I was going for. Martini. *shudder* )

The food was hearty and abundant. And very very old school. Deep fried scalllops? Mmmmm. Yes please!  The sides were almost bigger than the main—everyone got homemade raviolis.

The “Child’s Plate” cracked me up….roast beef or pot roast??? haha. Wolfie would be horrified at those options. Yup, this place is legit. Nary a chicken nugget in sight!

Afterwards we went to the bar/lobby area. The decor is crazy. Here’s Doe whispering the secret location of our NEXT get together!

We really had a blast and I think laughed the entire meal. It was such an amazing group of ladies. As fgor the food, well. Kind of hit or miss. My chicken parm was delish….Dotties steakie was just so-so, but we weren’t really doing this for the fine dining. We were doing it for the company. And THAT was first class all the way, baby!

Presenting, the fabulous Dames de Gâteau Supper Club ladies!

I highly recommend a little dress up supper club for you and your pals! Once a month isn’t too much to commit to and it’s soooo fun. We had a great mix of ladies—some of the girls were old friends, some were ladies I didn’t know as well but always wanted to know better. If you and your girls decide to do something similar, please let us know! Better yet, blog about it and link over here! I guarantee you you’ll have a blast…oh, and don’t forget to leave room for dessert….