Tag Archives: etsy

Boy’s Ties for Easter

Source: Belle & the Beau

With Easter hip hopping its way towards us, we are seeing new spring party clothes in stores that are begging to be worn. Of course, girls are just swimming in wonderful choices with all of those simply delicious sherbet-colored dresses.  So many choices for a little girl to find just the right dress for their personality.

But what about the boys? I know it’s going to be all about khakis and the blue or white button down shirt–which is a classic staple for boys around the world. But there is a chance for a bit of whimsy in boys in ties. These ties are a a bit sassier than the average rep tie, and what little boy doesn’t have a bit of sass!

Of course, our dear Wolfie has sass aplenty and is sporting a gingham tie from our BFF, Target. What I love about this is that he is sporting a tie and wee sports coat with jeans and sneakers. You see, ties can be pulled out for Easter and beyond–just for fun!

Here are some fun ties that would stop the Easter bunny and everyone else in their tracks from our friends at Etsy:

Me and Matilda has created some of the most adorable springy ties ever!

Etsy Seller, ButteredToast has created this insanely charming little bow tie that would easily make the Easter Bunny leave him a little extra chocolate.

I personally can’t get over how adorable this gold tie looks on a simple denim shirt! What a great idea! And Etsy seller, Emilee Irwin created a matching bow for a little girl’s hair.  What a good big brother!

And speaking of matching, the Belle and the Beau has taken it to the next step and offering father and son matching ties.  I think this might be so adorable that I  have to look away for a moment.  But only a moment, because is crazytown cute!

I’ll look back at the other adorable Belle and the Beau ties, like this one and this one.

Hint–don’t be shy about choosing the bow tie! They are a snap to tie. Really!

And there are some great bow ties for boys. Like these from the Cordial Churchman bow tie designer Ellie LaVeer Stager, who summarizes boys on bow ties best:

“It was a little tricky trying to keep him still long enough to get it tied, but it also clips in the back so I don’t have to re-tie it every time.  Doesn’t he look so cute?  Like he’s just come home from a dinner party.”

Oh, and one last note:  for you lucky people in L.A.–leave the PAAS  at Walgreens honey,  and take this tie-dying Easter eggs class with the dreamy Robert Mahar!

Upcycling Sweaters

People, let’s be clear about one thing. I love a good tag sale. I was raised on them.

Saturday mornings in my childhood were spent riding shotgun in my mother’s Ford Escort careening around the backroads of Connecticut looking for tag sales, with a bagel clutched in my hand– “breakfast on the road” and quarter to go wild with at the first stop.  Who knows what treasures await?  Balls of yarn! Old books! Vintage fox stoles! Oh, adventure!  Still to this day, I can’t resist the pull of that large piece of cardboard saying “Garage Sale”.

But this weekend is the Superbowl of tag sales.  The Olympics of thrifting. People of the Bay Area–I give you–the annual Oakland Museum White Elephant sale!

It is a hullabaloo of second hand goodies that makes me break out in a sweat of shopping excitement as soon as I enter the sale.

Every year, I set my cap on a certain item–cool vintage sheets from the seventies, old knitting magazines, used board games.  This year, I’m all about the sweaters. Yup! Because I want to try that green craftiness that I’ve been hearing so much about from Martha.  You know, taking old sweaters and turning them into something just as awesome, if not more so than the original sweater.    It is even greener than recycling–upclycing.

If you are not in such a crafty mood or too busy to craft (cough cough), you should check out other people’s craftiness at Etsy.

Sesame Seed designs creates these gorgeous felted caps for babies that kills me!  I can’t decide between the deer and the dinosaur… Or the leaf.

I love the sweaters made from a sweater!  Like this bye bye Birdie sweater!

Or this ric rac rainbow cardi. People, you know how I feel about ricrac.  Both are from Etsy seller, Poppytop Sweaters.

Etsy seller Snugglepants turns the sleeves of sweaters into the cutest and warmest pants around! Like these orange stripey ones or these crazy striped ones.  Very clever indeed!

But I had to finish this post the same way I started it. With this little lady.  Joseph may have had his technicolor dream coat, but check out this very colorful patterned skirt made from old sweaters on it’s charming young model.  I’ll take the boots, the rabbit fur vest and vintage luggage too, please!  Actually, I’ll take the little girl to boot! She is working that skirt like nobody’s business!

The perfect ensemble for going to a tag sale with your Mom!

Vintage Kiddo Monday: Retro Roundup

Happy Monday everyone! It’s the start of another week and I think it’s going to be a good one. I’m a little sad the Olympics is over—Wolfie and I were having such a great time watching all the events. I’ll miss my lil hunka medal winning hottness, Apolo Ohno and the gorgeous figure skating that happened (yes I’m a stereo typical girl….but I also loved the snowboarding. Shredding balances out sequins, right??). This week we have a rather darling little vintage round up. I think you’ll really like some of these cute finds!

OK, first up we have this amazing corduroy  jumpsuit with red floral trim and a little umbrella-ella-ella detail. They just don’t make ’em like this anymore friends. Oh, and if you ever have any special size requests, lemme know!

Grab this from Etsy seller marathon1981

Check out this little Twiggy starter dress. Such a cutie!

Grab this from Etsy seller RockZombieOldies

This little red corduroy sundress will be perfect once the ice and snow melt. I love the little flowers! You could also layer it with a long sleeved shirt and some funky tights if you need to wear it NOW NOW NOW!

Get from Etsy seller Sam and Ollie

Little Wrangler jeans?? Yes please!

Get from Etsy seller Sam and Ollie

Quack quack! Holy smokes, this stinky cute cardigan is bananas and would look AMAZING with some little jeans or even over a dressie.

Nab from Etsy seller Marathon1981

What’s new pussycat?? This is the best little sweater…quack quack, meow meow, moo moo, yes yes!

Get this cool sweater from ebay seller auctionnut45

Holy vintage jammie tops, Batman! I think these underoos are swell as a regular top too.

Get this cool look from ebay seller therobotparade4kids

This little mod girl dressie is to DIE for. One part Velma, two parts gogo. How can you resist??

Score from etsy seller FlamingJuneVintage.

This is just the sweetest thing—those little lambies make me want to recite old timey nursery rhymes.

Get from etsy seller leftylouvintage.

Yee haw, this top is perfect for little buckeroos (and buckerinas!)!

Get this for your little cowpoke from ebay seller: therobotparade4kids

Tttttthat’s all folks! Here’s to another excellent week!

Birthday Party Fun :: Vintage Raggedy Ann Love

I was the only girl in my family. Outnumbered four to one growing up.  My childhood was filled with toilet seats left up, Rock ‘Em Sock ‘Em robot fights, a never ending parade of noogies, and more sports stuff than I thought was legally possible to keep outside of professional teams.

But I had my Raggedy Ann.  We went everywhere together.  She was my confidant, my baby, my comfort.  Not a night past without her little yarn head tucked into the crook of my arm at bedtime. She was my stand-in baby girl until I had my own.

And then I did have my own.

I had high hopes that the Peach would immediately connect with Raggedy Ann, but I think it’s too early to tell. Until then, I will just spin my dreams of their future friendship with these gorgeous pictures taken by wonderfully talented Nicole Hill Gerulot of a Raggedy Ann party created by the event planner extraordinaire, Brittany Egbert of One Charming Party.  Be still, my heart!

Just stunning. Eh? Ladies, thank you.

Of course these photos sent me into a Raggedy Ann frenzy on Etsy, where I found these goodies:

These vintage cups would be perfect for tea parties in a few years, don’t you think?

Would it be wrong to make my child iron? Not with this awesome Raggedy iron! It almost makes ironing fun. ALMOST.

And just think of all of sweet pieces of clothing I could make for the Peach with this jolly vintage Raggedy Anne fabric!

Or I could just buy this incredibly cute Raggedy Ann inspired dress.

And my sweet Peach, it’s OK if you don’t love Raggedy like I do. Thanks for trying. Perhaps you’ll acquire a taste for Raggedy Ann when you are the sophisticated age of one. I love you all the more, for just being you, my sweetie Peachy little girl.

Vintage Mondays: Retro Roundup!

Gather round kiddies, it’s time for Vintage Mondays and our weekly e-thrift roadtrip! (cue cute theme song please! “Doo doo de doo dee doo!”) It’s where we take a little cruise through the many vintage listings on ebay and etsy and I give ya my fave picks. We here at Camp Kiddo love vintage because it’s stylish, affordable—and green!

Now I know that a lot of you are stuck inside with freezing temperatures and mountains of snow piling up. I think we could all use a little slice of sunshine so this week the clothes are decidedly SPRINGY.

First up! Reminiscent of little John John Kennedy, the romper for boys is such a cutie cute thing.  This little man is just too much:

Grab this from Etsy seller SamandOllie.

For those of you out there who appreciate vintage but are hesitant to put your child in it because you want them to look a little more “current”, check this out! I think it’s an excellent example of how modern a vintage dressie can look on a little kid. I love the cap! And cute sneaks complete the look.

Grab this from etsy seller SamandOllie.

Oh ho ho! Look at this little spring suit. I think somebunny is ready for an egg hunt…

Hop on over to etsy seller Lishyloo for this awesomeness.

OK, so this next set is an AMAZING collection of TEN gorgeous 50s/60s dresses for a little girl. It ends tonight (monday night) so hie ye over to ebay and bid bid bid!

Grab this lot STAT from ebay seller emma11.

If ten is too many for you, then this one is just perfect. The little gingham carousel ponies with yarn tails? I mean honestly.

Buy this cutie from Etsy seller thefancytail.

Help your budding lil’ artist embrace her inner Frida Kahlo with this crazy cute wee Mexican embroidered dress! Amazing with bare legs and sandals or over jeans!

Bid on this sweetie from ebay seller jogger45.

Um, is it wrong that this little guy is way cooler than most older dudes I know??? Eye of Le Tigre, baby.

Bid on this radness from ebay seller therobotparade4kids.

Nautical themes are a favorite of mine…and this small dressy is big on style, what with that little boat and all. *sigh* I’d sooo rather being sailing.

Score this pretty thang from etsy seller sunshineprincess.

Girl’s aren’t the only ones who get to have all the fun. Check out this romper, perfect for your little ship lovin’ matey!

Bid on the radness from ebay seller therobotparade4kids.

And my Pick of the Week has to be this nautical bathing suit. I think it’s just sooo fun, and I’m loving the bold graphic stripes and fishie detail. Have you ever seen anything so cute??

Grab this cutie from Etsy seller: nomi vintage.

That’s all for this week friends. I’m constantly amazed at the awesomness that is out there! Be sure to pop by later today as Miss Dottie will be entertaining us with a fabulous Vintage Spotlight!