Tag Archives: garages

Baby You Can Park My Car :: Vintage Toy Garage Fun.

image: dogboneart

One of my favorite toys of all time is the little Fisher Price garage. You may remember it from my vintage Fisher Price post last year. As I said back then, the elevator was really the best….all open-air and your Little Person perilously close to plunging to his or her death all for the sake of a parking space. So good!

What I didn’t realize was that vintage toy garages were kind of a “thing”. I discovered these adorable vintage toy garages when I was researching old doll houses, and WOW. They are so cool. They almost look like little architectural models. I think they’d be fun to play with but they are also kind of amazing to display on a book shelf. I think I’m gonna go out on a limb here and just say it—mini retro gas stations are the new globe, ya’ll. Check it out:

image: alte-parkhaeuser

Pretty amazing, eh? No wonder this guy looks so pleased. Although hmmm…..I think someone forget to bring him the cars to go inside the garage.

Image: Vintage Toy Garage