Image: Greenkozi
I loved shopping with my Mom when I was a little girl. Not for the ride in the cart or the ability to “accidentally” grab a box of Cookie Crisp. Oh no. It was the hope that I could get a ride on one of these sweet treats.
Of course the most popular were the ponies and horses—a little flirt reminder of merry go rounds.
Images: PigRock, AnnieBee, eclectica miami
Of course horse is a horse of cours of course but what about a ride on other animals that aren’t necessarily known to carry humans.
Like a snail. Or pelican.
Images: Javier Agredo
or a goose or a cat…
Image: Bumblesweet
I can’t help but love this pink elephant.
Image: AnnieBee
Tops hats are perfect for giraffes, aren’t they? Who wouldn’t love to see that outside of Red Owl Supermarket?
Image:Â AnnieBee
Even sea creatures were not off limits to encourage a child’s inner aquaman (or aqualady).
Image: Drumthwacket
Clearly taxi and cop cars were popular choices as well.
Image: NYC Comets
Cars are so much fun. Which to chose? Race car or race car with Spiderman?
Image: BrechtBug, Kiddie Rides USA
But why limit your transportation to earth when you could blast off from Safeway in one of these beauties.
Images: Kiddie Rides USA
And then just some odd choices.
Hmmm… I never would have thought about taking a ride on Papa Smurf.
Iamge: Oerenhard1
Or a vintage Communist child?
Image: AgentYellow
These images are just a small small peek into Flickr’s photo pool, Just One More Ride Pleeeeze. I assure you, it will take you back. Did you have a favorite growing up as a child?