Vintage Kiddo Mondays: Retro Round Up

Yee haw, it’s Monday lil buckaroos. Let’s take a stroll down the e-thrift shopping aisles. We love vintage because its affordable, it’s eco-friendly (reduce-reuse!) and of course it’s always, always unique and one-of-kind! Shall we get to it friends? C’mon….let’s go!

This sweet play dress has that classic blossom pink and grass green preppy combo that I lerrrrve. It’s like a lil’Lily Pulizer. Love it soooo much. By the way, it would go PERRRRFECTLY with these Miss Trish of Capri sandals from target. And yes, they come in lady sizes and HAIL YES i bought me a pair!!

From our girl Heather at ThreeRingCircus

Hee hee, this Tutti Frutti Cutie is perfect for your Carmen Miranda in Training. So excellent. You can add a little shirt underneath if its cool out, but it’s also just the perfect little summer romper.

From those scounrdrals over at PiratesB00ty!

Look how sweet this little coat is….while it looks a tad fancy, like it went with a matching dress at one time, i think this would look smashing dressed down. Truly, pair it with some jeans or leggings and your girl can race around but still look sassy. The pretty yellow makes me feel like singing “Build me up, buttercup!” except…you know….those are daisies. But you get the jist.

From groovy seller nannasattic

This is the perfect vintage dressie: peter pan collar, puffy sleeves, cute trim and awesome color combos. Dresser up or dresser down!

From ebay seller Casamrin

The only word that’s cooler than SPORK is the SKORT! This skirt/short combo is a sassy as it is practical. Supah! (Hmmm, maybe spork is still a little cooler than skort….what do you guys think?)

Score this from the treasure chest over at PiratesB00ty

Oh man, this is maybe my fave pick today. The shape of the dress is awesome but the Winnie the Pooh fabric is THEE BEST!!!!

From our fave gal LishyLoo Vintage

This pinafore reminds me of something Raggedy Ann would wear to the 6th grade dance!

From the adorable Three Ring Circus. What can I say….the girl has boatloads of cuteness in stock today.

Aww, this red shirt with a pair of Levi’s would make your little man look like the most stylin’ kid on the block.

Grab this cutie from (who else?) 3 Ring Circus.

I love the classic vintage stripey shirt with these cute primary colors….but hellllllo, sassy octopus with the wee sailor hat? Insert hornpipe jig music here (which is me doing the happy dance of glee….).

From those crazy kids at PiratesB00ty

The littlest cowboy shirt for the littlest of sweeties…..luv the lil red contrast buttons and plaid accents.

Score this lil guy over at Baby Come Back

Speaking of plaid, yer fancy little lad will look like Prince Charming in this sweet number:

Grab this lil romper from Piratesb00ty

Aww, it’s a teensy weensy Bobby Brady shirt! You really can’t go wrong with stripes.

From sassy pants Baby Hank.

Well, there’s another bunch of fun vintage goodies. Even if you don’t find something you love here, I hope you’re inspired to go on your own Etsy or eBay e-thrift treasure hunt!

10 thoughts on “Vintage Kiddo Mondays: Retro Round Up

  1. Carmen Miranda in training? That’s hilarious! That was so me as a kid–I actually went as Carmen Miranda when I was seven to school on Halloween and I cried because no one knew who I was!

    Skip forward 20 years later to Halloween on the Castro and I ran into like 15 Carmens. Go figure!

  2. i LOVE that winnie the pooh dress and lishyloo has some amazing things right now….oh and the little fruity outfit is from piratesBOOty….it’s not mine but i wish it was.

  3. OOPS! Sorry PiratesB00ty! (thanks heather!)

    Lishy always has it going on. I could do the entire update on just her stuff….I have to curb myself!! (and I swear I’m not gettin’ kickbacks from anyone…..these ladies just rock it!).

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