I can’t believe it is already September! This summer just flew by and was filled with lots of work as well as fun with family and friends. I always like to cram a lot into my days, but I realized that I hadn’t scheduled a proper vacation and by September 1st, I was really feeling it.<\/p>\n
Of course, I had planned to cram a whole lotta fun for the Peach into the three day Labor Day weekend. Carousel rides, trips to different beaches, as well as crafty stuff we could do together and swimming as well as knocking some items off my UFO list like making a picnic blanket, dying and refurbishing some slips.\u00c2\u00a0 I also wanted to make home-made play dough for the Peach as well as try my hand at making felt food to fill Miss Peach’s little kitchen larder. \u00c2\u00a0I also had planned to bake a few chicken pot pies to give to friends who just had babies, as well as make an end of summer meal for my family that would be topped off with a peach blueberry pie and homemade ice cream.\u00c2\u00a0\u00c2\u00a0 You know, just a few things to keep me busy.<\/p>\n
But last Wednesday night something inside of me just snapped. One of the people in my carpool called to ask if I could text her before I left so she’d be outside ready to be picked up for carpool.\u00c2\u00a0 And for some reason this tiny tiny favor was the proverbial feather that broke the camel’s back. And that feather unhinged this camel so much that it started\u00c2\u00a0 a two hour crying jag.\u00c2\u00a0\u00c2\u00a0 I was exhausted.\u00c2\u00a0 The reserves were empty.\u00c2\u00a0 My well was dry.\u00c2\u00a0 I was officially burned out, fried, exhausted, etc. Whatever you called it, I clearly needed a little break.<\/p>\n
I planned to take Friday off and clean out the linen closet, take a Bikram yoga class, make a picnic blanket, go grocery shopping and prep for the weekend planning each day out for maximum awesomeness, but by Friday, I couldn’t even hold a pen.\u00c2\u00a0 I adore crafting and usually it is almost a form of meditation for me. But I didn’t even want to sew or embroidery or do any sort of crafting.\u00c2\u00a0 What did I do instead? Weep a bit. Watched cartoons.\u00c2\u00a0 Seriously, I couldn’t even watch an hour long program–too much effort. And take a three hour nap.<\/p>\n
Oh yeah, and I went here.<\/p>\n
Saturday, I had planned full day of wonderful things–a road trip, a surprise visit for friends, a museum. But instead we had a nice breakfast out with the Peach, followed by a very mellow trip to the farmer’s market, where I was not tempted to buy tons of food to turn into jams\/pickles or sauces.<\/p>\n
And that evening we bought Little Star pizza to some very dear friends who are moving to Seattle. It was so good to hang with friends. Oh, and I did have a two hour nap too.<\/p>\n
Sunday, I was beginning to feel a bit more energy. Enough to make blueberry pancakes, which I think will turn into a special three day weekend tradition.<\/p>\n
We did do a little road trip down to some tide pools in Half Moon Bay.\u00c2\u00a0 Unfortunately, half the beach was closed due to seals and their pups resting on the Beach. So, we only spent a half hour there, but it was beautiful and fun. Because I was with my family.<\/p>\n
Since we were down there we had some artichoke soup at Duartes in Pescadero.<\/p>\n
And a nice nap on the way back.<\/p>\n
Monday, I had planned on a picnic to Muir Beach for the Peach and my sweetie and I’m sure do tons of things that I can’t even remember.\u00c2\u00a0 But I just didn’t have it in me.\u00c2\u00a0 And that was OK.<\/p>\n
This weekend I learned that big gestures aren’t always necessary to enjoy time with my family. Just doing puzzles together at home was really wonderful.<\/p>\n
For example, the Peach and I had a blast looking at all of the different fish for sale in the aquariums at the local Petco while we picked up some cat food.\u00c2\u00a0 I’m not saying it was the equivalent of going to the Monterey Bay Aquarium, but for the half hour we were there, we had a grand time.<\/p>\n
And I did do a bit of cooking.\u00c2\u00a0 Not the filling the freezer for winter cooking, but enough to enjoy the best tastes of summer.\u00c2\u00a0 Smoked salmon in eggs on blinis with mimosas.\u00c2\u00a0 And that great summer feast I planned was still pretty great albeit no lobster, but I picked up some fried chicken which went well with the fresh corn and tomato dish. And I did make the peach blueberry cobbler with delicious store bought ice cream.<\/p>\n
So, I went back to work today with no finished sewing projects, no cleaned out closets, no major feats accomplished except some wonderful time with my little family and a chance to restore my much depleted energy.<\/p>\n
How was your Labor Day Weekend? Have you ever felt I like I did Wednesday? How did you cope?<\/p>\n
I can’t believe it is already September! This summer just flew by and was filled with lots of work as well as fun with family and friends. I always like to cram a lot into my days, but I realized that I hadn’t scheduled a proper vacation and by September 1st, I was really feeling … Continue reading Real Life :: Dottie’s Non Labor Day<\/span>