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{"id":6636,"date":"2012-03-23T19:08:41","date_gmt":"2012-03-24T02:08:41","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/modernkiddo.com\/?p=6636"},"modified":"2012-03-24T17:25:42","modified_gmt":"2012-03-25T00:25:42","slug":"friday-link-hootenanny-cool-things-to-browse-3","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"http:\/\/modernkiddo.com\/friday-link-hootenanny-cool-things-to-browse-3\/","title":{"rendered":"Friday Link Hootenanny :: Cool Things to Browse"},"content":{"rendered":"

\nPhoto by Francesco Scavullo for Harper’s Bazaar, April 1959.<\/em><\/p>\n

Ahhhh Friday! The best day of the week. Well, one of them anyway. I’m excited for the weekend, just want to kick back and relax. Aaaaaaaand, watch MAD MEN!! Whooo hooo!! So speaking of…..<\/p>\n

1. Mad Men Fever Newsweek<\/strong><\/p>\n


Yes, I have the fever! I finally (FINALLY!) watched it and powered through all four seasons. LOVE IT! Have you seen the “new” retro issue of Newsweek? In honor of the season 5 premier of Mad Men, Newsweek magazine released a special edition, featuring all retro-styled ads. Some of the advertisers actually reached into their archives to run older versions of real ads, others simply took their inspiration from the ads of yesteryear. I think it’s a really cool idea. Of course, some ads are better than others.<\/p>\n



See them all here<\/a>.<\/p>\n

2. I Love the Smell of Paper<\/strong><\/p>\n

<\/strong>I was so intrigued to read about a candle that combined this:
\n\"\"With this:

This candle from Byredo is called Biblioth\u00c3\u00a8que<\/a>. Apparently it smells of things like \u00c2\u00a0leather and violet, patchouli and plum. All of which allegedly create the smell of antique books. Sounds veddy veddy interesting, no? (via Rachel Gibson<\/a>)<\/p>\n

3. More Bang for the Buck.<\/strong><\/p>\n

<\/strong>I’ve secretly always wanted a thick fringe of bangs. But my hair is rather curly naturally and I gots to say there’s nothing worse than a frizzy bang. But this tutorial from The Beauty Department<\/a> makes it look\/seem so easy. Hmmm. {Oh, and The Beauty Department is Lauren Conrad’s blog…I have to say its pretty cute! And yes, that’s adorable Angela below. Of Angela + Ithyle<\/a> and blogshop<\/a> fame}

4. The Cure for Bloggers Block<\/strong><\/p>\n

<\/strong>It’s true. Sometimes we bloggers have a hard time finding inspiration. EZ from Creature Comforts<\/a> totally gets it. I thought this post was grand.
the whole post here<\/a>.<\/p>\n

5. Won’t You Be My Neighbor?<\/strong>

This past week was Mr. Rogers Birthday. And thanks to this awesome post from Aunt Peaches<\/a>, I learned a lot of nifty stuff about him. Like:<\/p>\n

\u00e2\u20ac\u00a2 He saved public television. In 1969 Mister Rogers went to Washington to protest the slashing of funds to public television, and his testimony was so persuasive that funding was not only secured but increased to $22 million per year.<\/p>\n

\u00e2\u20ac\u00a2 He was a Vegetarian. He told people \u00e2\u20ac\u0153I don\u00e2\u20ac\u2122t want to eat anything that has a mother.\u00e2\u20ac\u009d<\/p>\n

\u00e2\u20ac\u00a2 He instilled honor among thieves. Mister Rogers drove an old Impala for years until the car was stolen and the police report was picked up by the local news…48 hours later the car was returned with a note that read, \u00e2\u20ac\u0153If we\u00e2\u20ac\u2122d known it was yours, we never would have taken it.\u00e2\u20ac\u009d<\/p>\n

She has 7 more cool tidbits about Mr. Rogers over here<\/a>.<\/p>\n

6 Viewmaster of Cuteness<\/strong>
\nThey’re not technically viewmasters, but rather little souvenir picture viewers. I know they were popular in Europe (we had a few from Germany). And I fell in love with this collection over at
lullaby & lala<\/a>. The camera and the gondola are especially cute. (found via bloesem kids<\/a>)<\/p>\n

7. The Greatest Craft on Earth<\/strong>
\nSpeaking of Bloesem. I loved this simple but sweet circus craft Irene poste! See
how to make it here<\/a>.<\/p>\n

8. For Your Favorite Fat Cat<\/strong>
\nYeah, it’s ridonkulously expensive….but if I were rich, I might
get one of these<\/a>\u00c2\u00a0suave chairs for O’Malley. (via make something happy<\/a>)<\/p>\n

9 Retro Cloggin’ all the way, Doo Dah, Doo Dah.<\/strong>


I’m not even a big clog person but I’m LOVING the latest offerings from Swedish Hasbeens. The campaign is so cute….I call dibs on those strapey wedges!! See the collection here<\/a>. And hopefully on my feet verrrry soon.<\/p>\n

10. BONUS video: The Crystal Light Aerobics Championship.<\/strong><\/p>\n

OMG. This video. I can’t even describe the feeling I had when watching. For starters, it looks like an SNL parody. I can totally imagine Kristin Wiig in this thing. Secondly…..the outfits! The Hair! And also….it goes on, like FOREVER. But it’s awesome. You’ll love it. HAPPY FRIDAY!!!<\/p>\n