Is it me or is the weekend just too dang short?? We had two back-to-back bowling birthday parties….a little league game….mountains of laundry. It feels like there’s never enough time. I think Mondays are tough. But that’s ok, because I found something to distract me….I think you’ll agree with me here, peeps. These ads rule.
I appreciate that this version seems to be just as scientific as the dudes—but in a delicate shade of pink.
I looooooove this type face so much! But let’s be real. The true stars of this ad are THE WIGS. It’s like these girls are the long lost love children of John Waters and the Oompa Loompas.
This kid is so freakin’ hip:
Oh Barbie. You wanna bash her. And you wanna say, “NO WAY is my daughter going to ever have a Barbie.” And I believe you mean it. Truly. But *every* single mama I know with a little girl succumbs at some point. This is why:
She’s Stylish!
The picnic set and resort set are my faves.
She’s Going Places! The rad beach van? The dune buggy? C’mon now.
She’s Sporty! I totally remember that gymnastics bar where she would spin around and around:
She Moves Like a Model! And dresses like a fabulous stained glass window. HOT!
See? You will be powerless to resist….
OK. Moving on. Sea Monkeys. These ads ran in the back of magazines and comic books—and logically you KNEW that those damn sea monkeys wouldn’t look like the picture, but secretly we all hoped. A bowlfull of happiness!
What kiddo wouldn’t want these super bouncy sneakers??
Aw yeah, it’s time to HULK IT UP for Halloween! You can also CAMP IT UP in your muscle tee Captain America ensemble!
And speaking of camp…..whoooo mama! Check out this scary drag–o-licous dolly. Not sure what’s more terrifiying, the fact that  she has “rubber wonderskin” or a full-on Betty Page hair-do at 9 months. Heww!
I take it back. Happy Monday, indeed!
That last doll with the long hair freaks me out.
But those wigs?? Come on, I want those 🙂
I am drooling over the Barbies.
I found one of those Pentax cameras at a yard sale for $20!
i totally remember those sea monkeys ads like they were yesterday! i wanted sea monkeys.