OH FRIENDS! Say it ain’t so. Where’s my sad trombone?! We’ve had so much fun with this, and it’s such a bummer to wrap things up. But as the saying goes, all good things must come to an end. So here we are and we’re ending with a bang. Black and white, BABY! I like me some black and white. Do you?? I had no problem finding things this week – I actually had to hit the breaks, I could have easily included a huge (and heavy) old Royal typewriter, a few pieces of costume jewelry, a couple of my favorite dresses, and the list goes on. Black and white was easy. What’s not easy is knowing I won’t be here next week!!! A special thanks goes out to my lovely friends, Alix + Dottie, for letting me pop in here each Wednesday and share my wacky collection of rainbow colored things. I love you girls! And Modern Kiddo peeps? We shall meet again, I just know it. I’m sure we’ll cook up a little somethin’ somethin’ in the near future, mmm hmmm.
Until then,
xoxo Jenny-Frecklewonder
ps — as always, get your fannies over to Frecklewonder to see what amazing + lovely treasures Miss Alix found!

Holy radio sunglasses batman!!!!!! Talk about going out with a BANG lady! This is an amazing collection…..and I’m going to be so sad when next Wednesday rolls around. Sigh. Thank you so much Miss Jenny for all your thoughtful beautiful posts. It was such a thrill to have you over here. And you can be sure I’ll be luring ya back! Oh and friends, be sure to swing on my frecklewonder to see my final Retro Rainbow collection!
Psst! Are you new to the Retro Rainbow? It’s Jenny and my special summer “Correspondence in Color†where we poke around our homes and come up with personal collections arranged by a unique color. This is our last week, but over the past few months we’ve covered Purple (Alix & Jenny), Green (Alix & Jenny), Yellow (Alix & Jenny), Brown (Alix & Jenny), Aqua (Alix & Jenny), Tangerine (Alix & Jenny), Pink (Alix & Jenny), and of course Red/White/Blue (Alix & Jenny). You can also check out our colorful Retro Rainbow pinboards if you wanna follow along! Mine is here, Jenny’s is here.Â