Category Archives: Indie Etsy Kiddo

Besty of Etsy:: Children’s Clothing Out of Vintage Linens.

I love vintage linens. And I also adore finding stained vintage linens with lovely embroidery that I can purchase for a at estate sales. I get particularly excited when I see a piece that has stunning embroidery but a stain that I can buy for usually around a dollar or two.  I keep putting them away,  dreaming of a time when I can use them in some sweet outfit for the Peach. With all of my spare time, and all…

That’s why I was so delighted to come across three terrific Etsy sellers who sell beautiful handmade pieces for children that feature vintage linens.

First let’s take a look at Jackie Spicer’s little shop on Etsy., whose little jacket starts off this post.  Oh, this lady had me weeping with joy over the obscene cuteness of her little hand made jackets for children.

Oh, for the love of kitties, would you look at this one?

The birdies are killing me. KILLING ME!

These booties from Etsy seller Big Little makes me want to reproduce so badly, just so I have some snuggly widdle footies to put in them. I DIE!  They put Robeez to shame. And I love Robeez!!!

How nice would these be as a shower gift for a Fall baby?

I am totally in love with these laminated vintage linen bibs that keep the beautiful embroidery safe from baby splashes. Utterly gorgeous! Genius from Etsy seller, The Land of Sparkle!

I love the sweet gingham edging too!

I know this is just the tippy tip of all the vintage linen ideas out there, and it makes me feel good knowing that someone out there is doing this.  And hopefully it will inspire me to do the same!