A whole different ferry ride.

Last week’s daylight savings maneuver wasn’t so enjoyable with a two year old who doesn’t know the difference between 5:00AM and 6:00AM, but the one benefit was that it turned my daily ferry ride home into something magical.

It happened at just the right time to see some spectacular sunsets over San Francisco and the Bay Bridge.

I couldn’t help but pull out my iPhone and start snapping away. Mother Nature was reeeeeallly showing off. Perfect weather too.

I didn’t understand how people could sit inside the ferry and read books or talk on the phone when this magnificent thing was happening outside.

I kept pinching myself, so excited to be able to stop and do nothing for twenty minutes except stare at this wonderful and fleeting moment. Just breathing and taking it all in.

These ferry ride sunsets have been such an unexpected treat and a great way to unwind from the stresses of work. I know! Much better than the 45 minutes of traffic I experienced this morning traveling over the Bay Bridge!

By the end of the week, I noticed that my evening ferry commutes were already getting darker earlier.  But I will always have that one special week when everything was perfectly timed.

Are you taking advantage of these early sunsets right now?

13 thoughts on “A whole different ferry ride.

  1. I really need to live in San Fran for a part of my life. It looks like such an amazing place. I want more posts on San Fran since I’m not going to be able to visit for a good long while.

  2. Yeah, all these people complaining about DST don’t have to get up with a kid who cries because , she doesn’t “want to get up in The Night”. Sunrises at breakfast are just the icing on that cake for me.

  3. My husband said the same thing…that one week was perfect for watching the sunset on the ferry ride home and since then, it’s been getting darker earlier. Your photos are beautiful!

  4. I worked in Sausalito as an architect for over seven years and frequently took the ferry home to San Francisco. My favorite was evenings like this, but add a cocktail and a fun destination like First Thursdays. So convenient and beautiful.

  5. It is surprisingly not cold since they have heaters overhead on the bottom deck. The top deck is just crazy with the wind. Oh and the fumes from the gas sometimes depending on the wind. Sigh! But better pix to say the least…

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