Gather ’round cowpokes. It’s time….

Wow! That weekend just FLEW by, didn’t it?  But as usual, I tried to cram as much in as possible including putting an hour and a half up in our attic sorting the Peach’s clothes and put away EIGHT boxes of kiddo stuff and Halloween decor, which was very empowering to say the least.  And then Sunday I caught the tail end of what looked to be a grand estate sale. You know the ones where the person lived in that house for sixty years and didn’t get rid of anything? Yeah–that kinda house. I did score a few things that I highlighted on Instagram (I’m under MissDottie) should you want to see the pix.

That estate sale whet my appetite for some more vintage clothing shopping online and hooboy, did I find some goodies to share with you all today.

Where’s the app that turns amazing vintage kiddo clothing into adult sizes? Because I want to download it RIGHT NOW for this little vintage double breasted jacket. From Etsy seller, Wee Little Ones Vintage.

Vintage Viewmaster. Yup.  It still rocks.  From Etsy seller, Grey Squirrel Antiques.

I am THIS close to buying these little overalls just for that traveling hobo bunny in the corner. Who comes up with this stuff? From Etsy seller, Bluebird Lucy.

Oh, this dress. I would have killed for this dress as a little girl. This is the dress you just buy and make reservations to go to tea with a special little girl.  Because this dress needs to be seen by as many people as possible.  From Etsy seller, Hart and Sew.

This jacket DOES things to me!  A little goat? C’mon, that’s too cute for words! nd–oh good gravy–is that a little yellow tin can for him to nom on?  From Etsy seller, Potato Cake Vintage.

Whoa.  OK–I know I’m posting a lot of dresses, but seriously–how could I NOT share this vintage gingham dress with you kind folks?  Sigh!  From Etsy seller, Salvage House. And that little wrist that looks like she has a tight rubber band is just too adorable for words.

I love the beautiful images on the vintage game pieces of this  compliment game.  Match items that belong together. So pretty! From Etsy seller, La Chiffonniere.

These vintage  Stride Rite shoes in navy are a steal at $15! Include the polka dotty shoelaces to boot! From Etsy seller, 4 Birds Vintage.

Ack! This book is so cute! I love the three color images. And how cute and tiny is that little rooster? From Etsy seller, KidWonder!

Before there was “To Infinity and Beyond!” there was a little space explorer thanks to HealthTex. Oh yeah. From Etsy seller, FuzzyMama.

Decorating doll houses is a popular trend right now thanks to that I am a Giant initiative of Emily Henderson, the cutest, sassiet designer in the universe. So, I hope someone snatches up this insane collection of furniture. Those matching wingback chairs are killing it style-wise. From Etsy seller, Sweet Shop Vintage.

Happy Monday!

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