Category Archives: Kiddo Holidays

The MK Ornament Party Day 1: featuring klt:works

Last year we had an amazing Modern Kiddo ornament party with fun downloadables from boatloads of our talented friends. Because they’re so awesome, we’re going to post ’em all again this week! First up, Kristin from klt:works

While poking around my inspiration files, I stumbled upon this photo from a 1966 issue of Better Homes and Gardens:

It’s fun to make your own ornaments and there are boatloads of fancy tutorials out there…but there was such a charming simplicity to these that I loved. It got me thinking, what’s more fun than a simple ornament that you can simply cut, glitter up and hang on the tree with a ribbon?? So I reached out to some of my fabulous friends and asked them if they would create a special ornament especially for Modern Kiddo readers….and I was thrilled when they said YES! Just you wait til you see these amazing creations. We’ll have one-a-day (“plus vitamins!”) for the next few days as we count down til Christmas.

Today we are pleased as punch to feature these adorable winter woodland creatures ornments from my amazing friend Kristin—of klt:works.

I know, HOW CUTE ARE THESE LITTLE GUYS??? The ladybug, the owl and the leggy bird…each as festive as the next!  Simply click here to download the ornament sheet and print it out. You can print on thicker paper OR print on regular paper and then use a glue stick to glue the sheet to a thicker paper or construction paper. Use scissors to carefully cut around each critter. A hole punch at the top completes the ornament and yer ready to hang! (Can we also discuss that AMAZING CARDBOARD TREE?? Kristin you are so awesome….)

I love the stripy baker’s twine Kristin used, but a ribbon or even plain string would work dandy! Leave them “as-is” or embellish with a touch of glitter (just image the lady bug with sparkly spots!).

Download your ornament here. Ornaments are for personal use only!

This is the lovely lady behind these fabulous ornaments:

Kristin is an incredible artist who creates the most fabulous pieces—lucky for us she sells a selection of them at her Etsy shop (the mobiles and kiddo clothing are among our faves!). She also has an always inspiring blog, klt:sketchbook that I love to pop by. If you are a long time Modern Kiddo reader you will remember this fabulous room tour we did of her little guy Sayer’s bedroom. Speaking of Sayer, I have to show him off again. He is SUCH a cutie:

I love Sayer’s caps….totally adorable! And the kitty tee is klt:works, of course!

Please show this talented lady some love! Be sure to visit her site and Etsy shop.

Kristin, thank you so so much for this charming ornament! We heart you big time!

Download your exclusive modern kiddo* klt:works ornament here.

DON’T FORGET! Send Me Your Homemade Costume Goodness!

I’ve already been getting some awesome Homemade Halloween costumes form people…..but I’m greedy….I still want MORE! Did you make an outfit for your child last year? Was is spectacular? Or was it a fiasco? Either way, we want to see! You can read my original post here or just scoot on over to your email and drop me a note at Alix {at} These DO NOT have to be vintage photos. In fact, the more recent the better!

Like Mr. Cutie Cooper rockin’ the octopus.

Or the super rad Finley rockin’ the box

And sweet little Beatrice Bird as a darling little lady panda:

And the amazing Billy workin’ it as a bat while his sister Harriet is amazing as one of the Andrew Sisters (!!!! CUTE) and baby Arlo as Max!

Whooo hooo! I’m excited for Halloween for sure! Have you and your little ones picked out costumes already?? What are you going as?

Real Life :: Alix’s Fresno Fourth of July

For the past four years we have hit the road and gone to Fresno to visit some of our very best pals, Dan & Lisa. (Check out last years adventure here!) They are both professors at the university down there and have two really awesome kids. Wolfie adores them (Ben and Emmy are much older than him and he calls them his “cousins”). One of my favorite parts is how the whole neighborhood gets involved on the Fourth of July—there is a kid’s parade, bouncey house, and of course fireworks and sparklers at night. This year it was INSANELY hot. Like 103 degrees hot. Like, “I’m a big ol sweaty ball” hot. We had to modify our plans a little, but it was still lots of fun. Here are some pictures of our little weekend:


They have an excellent park at the end of the cul de sac….it’s huge and grassy. Wolfie was too nervous to go down the crazy water slide but he eagerly took a sno-cone! (breaking his “i hate sugar” rule)

Like I said, it was 103 degrees this year. And friends, that kinda weather is reeeeeeeally uncomfortable. Note Wolfie’s red cheekies.

Wolfie’s cousin Ben (in the blue tee) is awesome….here he is with his best pal Braden manning the sno cone machine. They are that rare breed of 14 year old. Cool skater boys who get along really well with their peers, but are also totally comfortable hanging with the adults. A miracle!

Here’s Wolfie with Emmy, Ben’s sister. Emmy is terrific—she is a Pokemon expert, an aspiring actress (she landed a featured role in the local theater summer play) and is officially Wolfie’s guru on things anime. He thinks she’s really cool.


All the kiddos decorate their trikes, bikes and scooters in full RWB regalia!

Little Alastair is a big sweetie—and clearly had the Fourth of July spirit goin’ on!

Hee. Go Al!

I don’t know this kid, but I like his style!

This was last year—the little girl in her pink Barbie convertible is always a highlight for me every summer. Alas, she wasn’t here this year! But I had to give her a nod…

Our neighborhood doesn’t really have sidewalks, so we’ve been slow on the bike riding dealie with Wolfie. He finally got a little cruiser with training wheels and he was totally into it! The training wheels have that wibble wobble thing where the bike suddenly leans to one side, making Wolfie shriek (in a manly way) and totally reminded me of being a kid….remember how the training wheels would bobble and you thought for SURE you were gonna wipe out?

Crazy Greg entertained the little troops with his mylar dancin’….

But ultimately folks, I was sweatin’ my booty off. We realized that the parade was not going to be much fun and decided it was time to put Plan B into effect.



Ahhhhhh. That was more like it.

Little Eloise won Best Haircut! (or Hair Cute, as I like to say!)

That little girlie is pretty darn cute no??

We BBQ-ed, we lounged, we laughed. It was awesome. Thanks Dan & Lisa for another awesome year!

Because the Fourth fell on a Monday, we had to hit the road home that evening. Slightly sun-kissed and exhausted, we eagerly looked to the horizon for more fireworks.