Category Archives: Kiddo Holidays

Second Annual Rejected (yet totally AWESOME) Halloween Costume Ideas

Well, the eternal struggle to come up with a brilliant, quirky, showstopper of a Halloween costume continues. Last year, I came up with five unusual (but totally rad) costume ideas.  This year I had a few more ideas. My sweetie, Eric of course thinks they are all completely unsuitable for our little kiddo, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t rock them for your kiddo. So, I will share with you what I believe to be showstoppingly awesome costume ideas.

Here we go:

You are just some garish make-up, a curly mop top wig, and some crazy spandex away from being Honey Boo Boo, that little kapow of cuteness who is this year’s Snooki. Don’t worry, if you don’t go as her, one of your friends/work associates/neighbors will.


Mckayla Maroney is a gymnastic medalist and I can’t imagine how hard it must have been to dedicate years of her life to this beautiful sport only to have it all distilled down to one of the most hilarious memes of the summer. Oh that smirk! I really hope she got some amazing sponsorship deals… Clearly only an adult could do it justice.


Yeah, well, it’s easy for him. He’s Picasso! But you can be too with the help of a great striped shirt, some huraches and a bald wig. Bring along a little pad of paper, quickly doodle some pictures and give them away telling people to save for their child’s college fund. Because it has been so long since Jon Lovitz did that hilarious Saturday Night Live skit, that this will come off as fresh.


We should all go as this amazingly hilarious woman! A working mom who rocked it and had the funniest, self deprecating jokes ever! Like:

  • “My photographs don’t do me justice!  They look exactly like me!”
  • “Best way to get rid of kitchen odors—eat out!”
  • “Housework won’t kill you, but why take the chance??”

Bonus points if you find such fabulous boots.


For the up and coming goth kid!  If it was good enough for John Cusak, it’s good enough for you!  Raven optional.


This actually would be awesome as Halloween costume!  All you need red track suit and someone to follow you around with a tape recorder of THAT SOUND—you know the one…  And if you do it as a kid, you are guaranteed to get you a couple extra Reese’s peanut butter cups smuggled into your bag by the 40+ year old Dad wiping a tear away from his eye.


I know. Katniss is awesome. Girl archery power, etc. But c’mon you gotta love Effie—especially when played by one of my favorite comic actresses, Elizabeth Banks!  Who doesn’t love taffeta? And crazy make up? It is Halloween, right?

And there you have it. Expected or unexpected? Would you ever consider going as any of these little gems?? Any other ideas?





Call for Kiddos! The 3rd Annual Best (or Worst) Homemade Costumes!

Back in the day, all it took was a pair of red sweats and a towel and (believe it or not) you were The Greatest American Hero. I love a good homemade costume. Growing up, my parents were always big into the homemade costumes. There was rarely sewing involved, but my folks were masters at embellishing stuff we had around the house in a spectacular way. Take a basic dress, add a Spanish scarf, some fashion boots, loads of mom’s bohemian 70s jewellrey—and VOILA! You were a gypsy! Take some overalls, cut up dad’s old plaid shirt, make a little satchel of treats on a stick and BAM! We got ourselves a hobo. My parents were really creative and my whole family always loved dressing up.

Even though most people buy their outfits (and trust me, there ain’t nothin’ wrong with that! we do it too) I still love seeing what people whip together for their little ones. Sometimes the homemade costume turns out amazingly well and then sometimes….welllllll, not so much. But there is something undeniably charming about doin’ it your own way.

Which leads me to this: we want to see YOUR homemade kiddo costumes. And let me be clear, you don’t have to be a Mini Martha, we’ll take it all! Perhaps you made something so stinkin’ cute you got compliments everywhere you went. Or maybe things didn’t work out QUITE the way you expected. Either way, we want to see ’em all.

Don’t be shy—the good, the bad, the ugly are all welcome. Vintage/retro photos welcome, but I’m mostly looking for recent examples of your craftiness! We’ll be posting them here on Modern Kiddo in a Costume Parade Photo Gallery. I’ve had some requests to post them earlier than usual so people can actually use them as inspiration for their own costumes, so that’s what we’re gonna do!

images: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

So what are you waiting for? Send me those photos!! Email them to: Alix [at] We prefer 550-600 pixels wide, if possible….and feel free to include a link to your blog/shop, if you have one. Looking forward to seeing what you scare up!

Flying V is for Valentines!

{I posted this last year, but it’s still SO cute I wanted to share it one more time. And heck, we’re doing it again this year!}

In my eyes, Valentine’s Day was never better than when we were in elementary school. Nothing was more fun than racing home, clutching that paper bag “mail box” all crammed full of tiny colorful valentines—and blushing like crazy when you realized you got a card from that cutie who sat behind you.

Now as a parent, I’m in charge of coming up with cool Valentines for my own kiddo to pass out. While I looooove beautiful crafties, I have to be honest. I don’t really have time to make anything too elaborate. At the same time I think it’s fun to do something a little special. This idea from Zakka Life is my new favorite! Totally easy and totally awesome, these rad, rock-n-roll lollipops are SURE to be a hit in Wolfie’s second  grade class.

This brilliant print out fits over heart shaped lollipops! They print out three to a sheet. You cut ’em out, hole punch the middle and pop ’em on top of a sucker. Easy peasy! Here’s all you need to make ’em.

+ Heart Shaped Lollipops (or any flat lollipop)
+ White Card Stock (but white paper works just as well)
+ Scissors
+ Hole Punch
+ Double Stick Tape

Print out the template at Zakka Life right HERE.

Soooooo cool, huh! “Bweedle bweedle bwowowow!” [that’s me playing air guitar over this cool score!]

“Can we PLEASE stop taking photos now, mama??”


Cute Valentines that are pretty and FREE!

{pssst! download this lovely image at inside a black apple}

Hello my sweeties. So it’s Friday, which means you only have a couple of days til VALENTINES DAY! Whoo hoo! I know Dottie dazzled you yesterday with her collection of fun Valentines Day Craftiness! Today I have some more goodies for ya— but this bunch includes a whole mess o’ easy peasy printables (and a great little sweet treat!).

First up, check out this cute little penguin cupcake (or candy!) caddy. Adorable! Get your own penguin treat holder from Bunny Cakes.

This clever little brownie bag from twig and thistle couldn’t be easier…just run it through your printer!

Oh sheesh, how cute is this Foxy Valentine treat sack?? From the Paper Source.

Holy num nums! My lovely friend Tracy at Shutterbean has done it again. Look at these Almond Joy inspired chocolate goodies….SO GOOD. Hey Tracy, next time we meet for lunch I’m making you bring sweeeeets!!!! I’m still craving your Pepperment Bark from the holidays!!

This isn’t really a valentine, but I am still loving this beautiful iphone app from cartolina. If you aren’t familiar with it, it lets you send pretty little messages (kinda like a text) to friends. LOVE! I still haven’t downloaded it. Have you?

And because you know we love our retro-a-gogo, check out these awesome vintage valentines (for you to print out!), courtesy of the fine folks at tip nut.

We end with my own little Australian Valentine, Miss Pilgrim! Pop on over to Draw! Pilgrim and get this amazing little Valentines fortune teller! (OK, I admit. We used to call them cootie catchers back in the day…)

Last year she did an amazing Valentine too and you can still download this oh-so-charming printable! If you have a special sweetie, swing by her shop and buy the print. It’s gorgeous!

SMOOCHES friends! Have a fabulous weekend! I’ll be back in a bit with one more fun downloadable that Wolfie and I are using this Valentines Day!

Happy St. Lucia Day

Via: Hagerstenguy.

Friends, you know my obsession with all things Swedish, right? But I think it all culminates in this wonderful holiday, St. Lucia’s Day.

Via: A Polar Bear’s Tale

OK–I’m not Swedish or Italian or have any reason to celebrate St. Lucia Day, but that doesn’t mean I don’t love love love that holiday with all my heart and wanted to share my love/obsession with you all!

The story of St. Lucia isn’t that well known and there are several versions, but I like the one where St. Lucia is portrayed as a fiesty young Italian lass who hid a persecuted Christian family in the catacombs and led them by fixing a wreath of candles on her head.

I just think of this sweet little felt one…

via Frontier Dreams.

And I love Sweden’s take on it with the St. Lucia buns.  Oooh yeah! Spiced with saffron and currants.

via Stephanie Levy

via Flickr user, hfb

The only other person I know that love St. Lucia as much as I do is the wonderful Alicia Paulson of Posie Gets Cozy, who one holiday season a couple of years ago created these darling little St. Lucia kits.  Here is some of her work.

I love the Carl Larsson paintings of St. Lucia. So beautiful.  I want that tea set too.

I can’t help but think about what I’d like to try next year.  Would it be wrong to get the Peach to start bringing us cookies and coffee in bed while wearing a cute little crown and lights? I’ll at least print out this sweet St. Lucia paper doll to introduce this tradition to her!

Do you celebrate St. Lucia’s Day? Have you taken traditions from other countries and called them your own just because you like them?  And please tell me I’m not crazy for wanting this!