A letter to Alix.

Dear Alix,

I just got your text saying you don’t have any Internet access all day on the set in Prague and that thing are crazy busy and you won’t be able to post today.

Well, no worries, lady!  I know how busy these fancy-pants corporate gigs that we love can be. And I do know what it is like to miss your little family that is so far away as you type from your hotel room at 1:00AM, not getting your fair share of morning snuggles and good night kisses.

And sister, you’ve just had this tour of duty EXTENDED three days to September 29th.  Yowza!

Well, I can’t bring the real Wolfie to you, but let’s bring him to you in picture form.

Look at how widdle he is here! I believe this was the same day as the cowboy incident, yes, Alix?

Oh, but you want widdle. Check THIS out!

Wolfie loves his salty snacks! But has been known to dabble in the chocolate every now and then…

Those curls!

How did he not win that modeling contest is beyond me!

Who loves his mama?

And who loves his wifey too?

Know that they love and miss you just as much as you do, Alix and you’ll be with them so very very soon from now.

And we are all here for your, lady! Working mamas out there (and we ALL work–whether you are a stay at home mama or a mama working 80 hours a week in an office or a farm or wherever, we are ALL working it!) please leave a comment for our gal, Alix giving her a bit of sunshine that she gives to out.

PS: I bought out tickets for Alt, Alix!

PPS: I snuck a peek at the unfinished guest post by the glamorous and sassy Danielle of Kitschy Digitals and I’m super SUPER excited. It’s all about crafts and it will be up Thursday, Dottie’s Kraft Korner day and I couldn’t be more pleased about that. Hurrah!

19 thoughts on “A letter to Alix.

  1. awe! thinking of you Alex! WHAT a trip. I know you miss your guys! Wolfie is such a doll. 😀 Dottie, you were sweet to put this post together for her!

  2. I must say, there were almost too many photos to choose from. I could have put a lot more up.

    Three cheers for Alix for rocking in out in Prague. You’ll be laughing about it when you are sipping your mai tai in Hawaii in October, while reading some deliciously trashy book. aaahhh!!!!

  3. OMG it’s 11:30 at night and I’m finally “back home” (aka in my hotel room) and I’m practically weeping from this. Dottie my love, THANK YOU….so so sooooooooo amazing of you!!! This is the best. THE BEST. Thank you sweet friend…..and Miss Danielle, I’m so sorry my internet screwed up and your post is delayed!!!! I’m crushed. But Thursday it will go up as gorgeous as ever!!

  4. Ho ho ho! Just wanted to make you smile when I know you are super stressed out and although it is lovely to be in Prague you are still working and still missing your family and being away for three long weeks.

    Now, go to sleep!

    1. I TOTALLY smiled!!! SOme of those photos are so old, it’s crazy to see my little guy. Like, his eyebrows in the snow man photo??? hahaha. Totally cracked me up. But the one of him at easter in the little golden rod vintage shirt delicately licking his chocoloate easter eggs? I totally said , “Awwwww!!! My baby!!!”

    1. Heather you are so right…..I totally think of you guys as my online family which was partly why I was so crushed I was letting me peeps down!!!!!

      How hilarious are wolfie’s eyebrows?!?!?!? hahaha.
      My baby…..

  5. Heh! We’ll soon you’ll be the whobody to tuck in that little guy.

    I love his eyebrows! And I love that baby baby picture of Wolfie. He’s so tiny!

    Get back soon. Sooo much to chat about, lady. Although I promise I won’t even attempt to set a date until October.

  6. oh man. those photos even make ME miss baby wolfie.

    i can’t imagine how hard it must be to have to be away from your baby for so long, never mind the stress of working so many hours. i felt awful today having to work just from home and not being able to spend time with oliver and violet.

  7. dottie you are the sweetest to put these photos together! and alix! it does seem like you have been gone forEVER. and now the trip has been extended?!?! what the! boys must be missing you like crazy.
    we are all missing you like crazy!!!!!!!!!!

    and i am with lish. maybe mister greg could do a guest post??! ooh la la, i likey!


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