Hot Dog! It's Fresh Link Friday.

Hello fabulous readers….it’s FRIDAY!! So we have a leetle snag in this week’s Weekly Kiddo. Thanks to a klutzy cat and a pesky glass of water I am now the proud owner of a super soggy laptop that won’t start. Argh! It’s currenly drying out and I’m crossing my fingers and toes that the thing restarts eventually and I haven’t lost everything (all my writing, my inspiration files, the 1000s of photos of Wolfie. Ahhhhh! I don’t even want to think about it….). While I can’t access my Weekly Kiddo pictures, it’s the perfect time to launch a new series we’re starting here—our favorite links of the week. This is a little selection of things we’ve stumbled upon over the week that we’re digging. And we hope you dig ’em too!

1. Amazing children’s photographer Ashely Ann takes gorgeous pictures, but she is also just an all around brilliant creative gal. I was DYING over this vintage glasses onesie she crafted up for her little girlie:

It’s soooo hipster librarian! Find the DIY tutorial on Ashley Ann’s site.

2. You’ll fah-lip when you see these little Hand Knit baby costumes….I can’t even imagine how tricky it would be to make one of these things! The crazy geniuses at The Miniature Knit Shop have a whole slew of ’em. “Fitted for tiny varmints up to 9 month.” Hee.

(via inhabitots)

3. I love bad TV. It’s true. And if it’s on Bravo, so much the better. So it should come as no surprise that I’m totally into the new show 9 by Design. Stylish couple Bob and Cortney Novogratz of Sixx Design (who have SEVEN kids, people, including TWO sets of twins. Oy!) are getting their own show. Infinitely more awesome than the Duggarts.

(via Black Eiffel)

4. I’ve always loved the whimsical Eames Hang It All coat rack. You know the one, with the big colorful round knobs. So cool—but kind of pricey. Leave it to my genius pal Danielle, of Kitschy Digital‘s fame, to come up with a DIY version. You can find the tutorial on her sweet blog, Thompson Family. (And oooh it looks like someone scored the Liberty of London wellies and that sweet chair!)

5. And with the Easter bunny hip hopping its way towards us at an alarming rate, we turn our heads toward the grand dame of craftiness, St. Martha for adorable kid friendly Easter crafts such as making your own bunny ears.


6. We are also totally smitten with these little bunny finger puppets from The Purl Bee. One clever commenter suggested using them as lollipop covers, which sounds totally sweet too!

7. So you say you ran out of thin mints and can’t find a girl scout anywhere?? CHOW to the rescue with a great feature called Make Your Own Girl Scout Cookies!  But beware, these little suckers  are even more addictive than the ones in the purple, green and red boxes…

(image: michele cat)

8. I’m kind of into how graphic and bad ass this poster is. Unlike the usual sweet imagery you usually find in children’s rooms, this graphic poster is inspired by the 60’s revolution era—and is still totally appropriate. From Swedish groovies, Our Children’s Gorilla.

9. OK, now this is something super duper rad. Imagine if you could make a stuffed animal out of one of your child’s drawings?? Well guess what. Now you can. There are two cool companies making these custom softies: Stuff Your Doodle (hee) and Shidonni. Talk about charming! You just have to promise to send us a picture if you get it done yourself.

10. Finally, I just have to share this iPhone app. I don’t know about you, but I’m always handing my iPhone over to Wolfie when he needs a little distraction. I can’t wait to show him this one. It’s called Smack Talk and while the concept is super simple, it’s pretty darn amusing. You speak into the microphone and a cute lil animal repeats back what you just said. It should be obnoxious, but somehow it’s just awesome. Have a look at the video below to see it in action! It’s a mere $1.19.

(via Babyology)

That’s it for this week people. We’ll be back on Monday with the Retro Roundup (our Vintage Kiddo shopping feature) and I promise next Friday we’ll have Weekly Kiddo AND Fresh Links. Don’t forget to enter our awesome Black Apple Alphabet Print Giveaway!!

Rock on and have a happy weekend!

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