MK Giveaway:: Lettergirl Stamp!

Look in the sky: it’s a bird it’s a plane–it’s LETTERGIRL!

And who is this wonderful super hero dedicated to getting us all pumped to write lovely letters in longhand? Well, she’s a girl who collects quotes, tries new recipes, has a very messy desk, drinks tea, sings along, avoids roller coasters, and loves to check her mailbox.

And she is a believer in writing letters and having good handwriting which she gives tips on how to improve your handwriting on her lovely blog Rich Inner Life.

Oh yes, and she makes these utterly gorgeous stamps that would add a wonderful bit of charm to anyone’s letter.

And she’s giving away one to a very lucky Modern Kiddo reader!   Thr prize is the winner’s choice of any red rubber stamp in Lettergirl’s shop – can be an address stamp, bookplate stamp, gift tag stamp, or artisan stamp.  Production is usually two weeks, and shipping is included.

Now, how to win that gorgeous stamp you can:

  1. Leave a comment on this blog entry
  2. Follow us on Twitter. If you are already a follower, tweet about this giveaway—don’t forget to include @modernkiddo in the tweet please!
  3. “Like” us on Facebook
  4. “Like” Letter girl on Facebook

You’ll get one entry for each thing you do. If you do all four you’ll be entered four times.

Giveaway ends on Monday noon, April 3rd, 2011.

Good luck, and I’m crossing my fingers you win!


112 thoughts on “MK Giveaway:: Lettergirl Stamp!

  1. Ahh! I have been looking for the perfect letter stamp to represent me and my new hubby! Yay!

    1. done!
    2. following as dizchik
    3. liking as Melanie Cruz Pile
    4. check!

    *fingers crossed*

  2. Drooling over all the lovely stamps in her shop!
    If I had a stamp as nice as one of these, I would DEFINITELY send a letter to everyone I know! 🙂

  3. And to imagine I have been dutifully sketching my own faniful return address art on every card/letter I send! I could just buy one of these cute stamps, it would be even better to WIN a stamp!

  4. i have the longest address in history and tire of writing it out or using unattractive, free return labels i get in the mail. would love one of these!!

  5. The lettergirl stamps are gorgeous, every one! Just the way we’d all write if only we could. As a Catholic old school girl, I so appreciate beautiful lettering!

  6. I’d love to win this. Gina did my moving announcments when we bought our first house years ago, so I’m a longtime fan.
    And I’m already an FB fan of both Modern Kiddo and Lettergirl.

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