For some, the holidays are times of traditions. I am lucky enough to come from a family who loves its traditions and looks forward to them every year.
Of course some are traditions that many people also share, like hanging ornaments on our Christmas tree. My family prefers a really FULL Christmas tree choc-a-block with ornaments collected over the years. Not very designerly, but each one brings back a memory. The painted wooden one was created in Kindergarten and the stuffed candy cane toy was a relic from my Girl Scout Days.
And like many other families we spend a good chunk of time decorating Christmas cookies for the onslaught of kiddies…
Hmm… This one looks a lot like it’s model, our kitty, Minnow, yes?
For more than a decade, I spent my Christmas back East on Cape Cod, where my parents had a summer house on the water. My sweetie have a new tradition of a canoe ride from the house on Christmas day.
See how good he is with a paddle?
And of course the tradition that is almost a century old in our family–the trains. Still magic.
Unfortunately, my parents decided to sell the house on the Cape, and we’ve spent the last few Christmases here in the Bay area slowly creating our own traditions with our own family.
Who knows what new traditions await us? What new traditions are you starting with your family and your kiddos?
Merry Christmas, everyone!