Tag Archives: Alicia Paulson

Dottie’s Kraft Korner

Well crafty cuties out there, it’s time for another:

This is an extra special one because it features my all time favorite blogger Alicia Paulson, whose snuggly blog, Posie Gets Cozy is such a wonderful crafty way to spend a few moments of your day.  Oh mercy–how I adore this blog!  It is the blog equivalent of hot chocolate and warm buttered toast.  And delights of delights–Alicia and her darling husband Andy are hoping to adopt one very lucky little girl!

How lucky is this girl, you might ask? Lucky enough to have a gorgeous wardrobe that Alicia is making for her little one.  Turns out our dear heroine set her crafty cap on sewing the “Most Adorable Baby Wardrobe in the Whole Wide World” and I must admit, I think she’s meeting her goal. Pulling dress ideas from all sorts of sources–from Japanese craft books to childhood reads to vintage patterns to favorite artists–and yet it all feels perfectly well matched together like any good wardrobe should be.

Let’s take a little look inside this sweet baby girl’s closet and check out Alicia’s home sewn goodness. All of the photos are taken by Alicia herself.

I love a good calico print of wee roses–like this darling dressie called, “Little Prairie” would totally work on Laura Ingalls.  OK–could I take a moment to talk about how much I loved Little House on the Prairie?  My obsession led to a job at Old Sturbridge Village later in life milking cows and cooking over an open fire. (That is another story best told over drinks…)

But back to the dresses. Like this citrusy ray of smocked sunshine Alicia calls “Lemon Layer Cake“.  I can’t get over the smocking. The hand smocking. And the little pink flowers in the hand smocking. Wow. Just wow.

This one is my favorites called Bouillabaisse.  Who doesn’t love a good ruddy tomato red? And mix it with bias tape–well color me yours! What I particularly love about this is that Alicia bought the fabric from Goodwill along with a matching hardcover copy of Mastering the Art of French Cooking covered with its signature fleur de lis.  And thanks for hipping me to Swedish tracing paper. Is there nothing that isn’t awesome that comes out of Sweden?

And back with the hand smocking on this pretty dottie dress Alicia calls “Watermelon smock“. I love this contemporary take on a dress that would have been at home at the turn of the last century.

The Strawberry Ruffle dress is so springy and sweet and includes an APRON. If this isn’t something that Anne of Green Gables would have worn, well, I don’t know what is!

Me thinks I am not alone in my love of all things Swedish. Clearly Alicia has been bitten by that bug if she is creating such a endearing dress as this one called “Swedish Sunshine“. I love how she’s paired lace with the gingham. Well played, Alicia!

Oh, but this is just the start of a very wonderful journey of sewing for her baby and beyond.

Good luck Alicia with your impending mommyhood! May it be full of sweet little sugarfoots that must be kissed and tickled and fluffy baby hair. And pigtails and giggles and dresses dresses dresses.  And thank you for sharing your dresses and dreams with us!