Tag Archives: aviator hat for kids

The Besty of Etsy: Soil

That sweet crisp wind that is delighting us right now as we shake off the heat of summer has a habit of turning icy cold over the next few months.

Along with trying to find the perfect pair of boots (don’t even get me started…), I’ve now added to my list of Fall to-dos–trying to find the perfect hat for the Peach.

Oh. My word.  Would you look at that?  My search may be over.

Enter Etsy shop, Soil.

Who says you can’t have fun with you hat.  Take that bit of childhood pretend play into real life.

Like with this aviator hat.

Or the “Sooper hero” hat.

And check out the headphones hat. The wonderful wonderful headphones.

After all, isn’t that what childhood is all about.  Hurrah for fun clothes!  A good hat makes you and the people around you smile.  Thanks to these hats from Soil, I’m grinning from ear to ear.