Tag Archives: clothes

Etsy Shop for Boys: Oscar & Theodore.

Now, you know I love a girly girl extravaganza. But when I found this “no girls allowed” Etsy shop dedicated to vintage and handmade goodies for boys–well colored me happy. Called Oscar and Theodore, this wonderful little nook of an Etsy store is a grand find indeed.

Because I need some place where I can get goodies like THIS.

You don’t need a Mac in your last name to appreciated all things Scottish!  What wee laddie doesn’t need a vintage tam-o-shanter as charming as this one to add to his hat collection?

I adore these sweet vintage buttons that definitely have a boy slant.

This choo choo train of cuteness in ribbon form could add a nice cup of zing to any outfit. Imagine on the sides of jeans even! Or edging a plain jacket.

And boy oh boy–there are some great boy books too. (Not that girls can’t enjoy as well…)  Like this book about boats. Or this one about machines.

And she even has those oh so elusive cool board games that would make great wall art. A little boy could spend quite a bit of time just looking at all of the goodies noted in this board game. Parachute. Rollercoaster ride. Cars. Sounds like boy heaven to me!

Actually, this shop would be a grand time for anyone at any age, so check it out and enjoy.  All it needs is a slingshot to finalize the collection. Sigh!