Tag Archives: cool Hanukkah songs

Best Hanukkah Song Ever.

Image via: Brooklyn Vegan

Let’s call a spade a spade, shall we? Hanukkah songs for the most part are too much about the dreidl and not enough about the coolness that is Hanukkah.

Until now. Thanks to Matisyahu, a Hasidic reggae musician living in Brooklyn. He wrote this genius piece for NPR on the lack of decent Hanukkah music out there. And as the alto in one too many choir/chorus/glee club/a Capella singing group in my life, I have to agree with him.

True, Hanukkah isn’t a major religious holiday in the Jewish Faith, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t deserve an awesome song or two. Like this song.

Enjoy. (Note: the actual song starts at 1:25, so feel free to scootch over to that part…)

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