Tag Archives: Emily Peacock

Proud as a Peacock :: Super Cool Needlepoint Kits

Let me tell you about my friend, Susan. Susan is amazing. We used to live in matching apartments in S.F.–one above the other–when we were giddy slips of women. She would throw and still does throw these amazing parties with such easy and laughter. And we would always call each afterwards or I would more than likely march on up to her flat in my nightgown and we would gossip about everyone who attended for hours on end.

She’s a divine cook using recipes from her mother and grandmother and updating them with fun little bits. For example, Monday night she made her grandmother’s no fail chocolate mousse and topped it with lemon salt. So damn good. And I haven’t even gotten to her great design sense or wonderful fashion style or any of the many things that are so wonderfully Susan–you can check it all out on her great blog, Living MacTavish.  But I will tell you she loves a good needlepoint. In fact her mother used to sell needlepoint kits.

So, when she posted these gems on her site, I had to share them with you, too! They are Emily Peacock needle points kits.  And I MUST get this one.

Or maybe one of these…

And I think this is too wonderful for words.

I will be thinking happy thoughts… about how I can get my hands on all of these wonderful needlepoint kits. Might make me break away from my bargello madness I’ve been doing for awhile… Hmm… We’ll see. Although I just like the idea of doing any of these kits with Susan gabbing about last night’s party sipping on a nice whiskey drink as we chat.