Tag Archives: farmer’s market

Real Life :: A Trip to the Farmer’s Market

It’s been raining. Raining cats and dogs. We’re talking torrential downpour. But yesterday? We had sunshine! Glorious, warmth on my face sunshine! I hear it won’t last, but it just put us all in a much better mood. It had me dreaming of summer and yummy fruits. One of our favorite things to do is take a trip to the farmer’s market.

The colors, the smells, I love it all! And the taste of fresh, organic produce is like no other.

Now I have to confess, Wolfie may be the world’s biggest sweetie….but he’s also the world’s pickiest eater!! I never thought I would have a finicky child but there you go. Our tactic is to try and expose him to as much as possible. He may not eat it, but at least he is familiar with the various fruits and veggies.

Wolfie loves to run around and help us collect everything we need. (And yes, he does like grapes! Halleyloo!)

I loooooove this beautiful spring mix with edible flowers. It’s soooo pretty. The first time Wolfie saw edible flowers his mind was blown! He wasn’t into the slightly peppery taste, but he tried a little nibble none-the-less.

Rainbow chard is one of my favorites.

If you have a younger child, it’s fun to do a mini scavenger hunt at the Farmer’s Market. Ask your kiddo to find an orange fruit. Or a yellow vegetable.  How about a purple fruit or vegetable with an interesting shape.  Or a red food you’ve never tasted before! Try it and see what it tastes like! (Yeah, Wolfie wasn’t buying that one. “I found a radish!” “Do you want to try it?” “No thank you mama!” all chipper. Harumph. Foiled again…)

Most Farmer’s Markets offer little samples of all the fruits which can be really fun for kids. We love to try all the different apples or peaches and compare! Delicate raspberries are one of my faves. Greg is a blueberry man!

Mmmm. This *says* ORANGE JUICE, but really? It was fresh-squeezed BLOOD ORANGE JUICE. Oh man, it was sooo tasty!

Beyond the fruits there are so many other tasty treats to try. Our Farmer’s Market has powder sugary funnel cakes, crepes, curries and falafels…and loads of baked goods. We also love to swing by the flower booth and select something bright and sunny for the house.

Do you have a great Farmer’s Market in your town? Or do you have your own garden?? (Even better!) I can’t wait for spring to reeeeeally come. Winter was cozy and all but I’m ready for some full blown SUN ACTION!