Tag Archives: handle stress

Five Tips To Help Handle Stress and Stay Happy!

Friends, thanks so much for all of the great feedback and support for my Non-Labor day weekend. It got me thinking that all of us mamas (and daddys) out there need to take some time for ourselves.

And it made me think of Tiffany. Sweet Tiffany–the best “life coach” you’ll ever meet. In fact she likes to think of herself more as a change agent or a magic maker who believes that everyone can live their happiest, most sparkly life, starting NOW.  Hells YEAH!

And Miss Tiffany collected her top five tips to help center and de-stress parents. So, without further adieu, here are the wonderful tips from Miss Tiff!

Hi everyone! It’s Tiffany. Here are my Top Five Tips for Helping You Handle Stress and Stay Happy!
1. Count your blessings. Literally.

Gratitude Journal
from Chronicle Books

A Gratitude Practice requires just that — practice. Take a moment out of each day to note three things, big or small, that you are grateful for. A list of three is usually a good place to start.

2. Play dress up even if you don’t feel like it.

Photo by Stefanie Renee

Play dress up is my life coach-y way of making take care of yourself sound fun. The key to taking care of yourself is to recognize what small things you need to feel better about your day, to feel more you, less Jack’s mom. If a pretty dress will do the trick, go for it! If a morning meditation class or cup of tea will do it, go with that. The key is finding small things you can do each day to help you get to your happier place.

3. Don’t forget to have fun!


One of my favorite things about kids (and dogs while we’re at it) is that everything they do tends to happen based on the potential for fun. The park: fun. Reading: fun. Cleaning up: yeah, not so fun…unless it can become FUN! Figure out what seems fun to you and then see how you can make it fun for the kids too! (For me, daily dance parties are a MUST!)

Spend a day following the fun and see what happens. You never know, it could end up being really…fun and who doesn’t need more fun in their lives?

4. Take a break.

via pixelcloud

Just 15 minutes a day can make the difference between feeling pulled and stressed and being able to feel centered and grounded. Turn off the tv, put away the must-get-dones and take a few minutes to just be. Breathe. Sit. Be.

Stillness can be the thing that creates more energy and space for actually getting things done.

5. New motto: Extra + Early = Easy

Photo by Shutterbean

When things start getting harried, let easy and extra do the driving. Heading out with the kids for a playdate? Start prepping a few minutes early, just to give yourself a little extra room.

Cooking everyone’s favorite for dinner? Double the recipe and pop the extra servings in the freezer for a quick dinner when time is short. See Tracy’s frozen burritos for inspiration!

What are your favorite tips for handling stress and staying happy?


Thanks, Tiffany! Just what I needed to hear!  If you ever have any life decisions that you are having a tough time making, I highly suggest going to Tiffany.  BTW, Tiffany realized one of her dreams when she co-founded Teahouse Studio, a creative workshop space in Berkeley. Alix and I have both taken workshops there and it’s a spectacular space! Find out more at her website, facebook or twitter.