Tag Archives: Muppets

Vintage Childhood :: The Muppet Show Tonight!

It’s time to play the music…

It’s time to light the lights…

It’s time to meet the Muppets on The Muppet Show tonight.

I know you know the rest of the song.

1976 might be known as the bicentennial year in US, but I will always think of it as the year the Muppet Show debuted.

I would patiently wait through my father’s mandatory viewing of the CBS Evening News for The Muppet Show.  From the first viewing, I knew this was something different.  This was the sophisticated older cousin to the innocence of Sesame Street. This was the Big Time.

This was what we  call the MUPPET SHOW!!!!!

Has any show been as beloved by the Muppet Show? And every one had their favorite muppet, right?

Like Gonzo?  Man, I loved him.

I’m still not sure exactly what he was, but he was a legend with the ladies. Lady chickens, that is.

You just had to love Fozzy, right? Kermits best bud and although his jokes were at times a touch, er. old, his deliver and smile made it all worthwhile.

Is it wrong to love Fozzy and also love his hardest critics, Statler and Waldorf–those curmudgeons in the balcony that had delighted in nothing more than heckling our hard working comics.

I always had a soft spot for Rowlf. Something about being that piano man/bartender vibe about him that was so comforting. And when he and Fozzy teamed up to sing, well, it was something real special.

And for those who always fall for the nerd, here is your prototype–the precurser to the gents on Big Bang Theory–Munson B. Honeydew was your man. With his hilariously tongue tied helper, Beeker.

And the sketches were actually quite genius. Who didn’t chuckle out loud after Pigs In Space? It did also launch the career of the stunning Miss Piggy, who is not only famous for her black belt in karate, her  wonderful fashion (lavender elbow length gloves–IN!) , and of course her clever yet simple diet tip that helped her keep her girlish figure…”Never eat more than you can lift.”

And you work that career! I wonder what her booking fee is nowadays?

Images via: MentalFloss, TV Acres, Lastfm

And then there was the really edgy rock band, Electric Mayhem, led by the funtastic spider with the gold tooth, Dr. Teeth and his band of misfits, like the wonderous Animal that probably inspired many a drummer who is on the charts today,  as well as Zoot, St. Floyd Pepper and Janice, everyone’s favorite straight haired hippy member of the band.

And they backed up some amazing guest stars!

Like Elton John!

Christopher Reeves!

Harry Belefonte!

Luke Skywalker & CP30!

Don Knotts!

Rita Moreno!


Oh, what wonderful chaos.  And all of it managed with utter charm and love by Kermit the Frog. He was the hardest working frog in show business. And with such grace–with a freak out ever so often.

Image via: Halloween Swim Team

Kermit just radiated the sweetness of Jim Henson. Thanks for the amazing childhood memories, Mr. Henson.

Oh Muppets, you’ve been through it all. Movies to fashion. Lunchboxes to live music. You will always be loved.

And Muppet Show is available via Netflix for an easy afternoon of watching. And feel free to dance to the songs with your kids. Because I know I did!  Talk to them about their favorite characters and who the special guest star is.  Remember kiddos have fun when you have fun.  That is half the battle!

What is your favorite Muppet character? What was your favorite sketch?

Have a muppetsational Monday, ya’ll!

PS: Most of the photos are from MuppetWikia. Warning: if you visit that link, I cannot be held responsible for the three hours of lost time you’ll spend on the site.

PPS: This post is dedicated to Muppetgirl.