Tag Archives: new sew child bib tutorial

Dottie Kraft Korner: Toddler Bib Tutorial.

Yes, friends, it’s time to get your craft on!

Professor Dottie from the School of Slapdash Crafting is back and today, I’m going to show you an easy, a super easy and a crazy town easy way to make a bib.  And two of them don’t even involve the sewing machine. I know–BANANAS, right?

I realized that the Peach has outgrown her original bibs. This became clear to me when I noticed a stain line that went across her tummy right when the little bib ended. Hmm… I thought to myself…new larger bibs will save me some grief in the clothing department.  We were using cloth napkins and a kipiis, which is great, but oilcloth protects clothing

I think bibs are the unsung heroes of toddlerhood. I know there are a lot of good bib tutorials out there, but I’m adding mine to the mix because after making bibs and seeing how darn easy these are to make, well, I just needed to add another bib tutorial to the Internet!

And these bibs are so darn easy AND cheap to make–two of my favorite features in craft projects (as opposed to people….)   I spent $10 on materials and made four big bibs.  The original bib that I based my design on cost me $15.00! And once you make one, you are hooked.

Here is the prototype bib I’m using as the pattern. I bought  itat Whole Foods that has only been in use for like five months and it already looks beaten down. Sigh!  Also, that pocket was rather lame as it didn’t really catch stuff, so I omitted it from my version.

I went to my local shop of crafty goodness and bought some oilcloth and bias tape. They had a nice selection but I thought one yard of this red/white and blue floral dottie combo is adorable and I thought it could go for a little pop of blue bias tape for the edging.  Even though I show one packet, I had to go back and get another pack.

I weighed down the original bib on top of the oilcloth folded four times and traced around it.  I do have fancy little sewing weights, but couldn’t find them and instead basically grabbed whatever I could find within a yard of me.  So, really–why use the sewing weights can I can use a can of cat-food, a small bottle of alcohol and other misc. items that are within your reach and will do the trick just as well!

Then cut through the four layers (or one layer if you are just making one).

Add a little velcro dot–grippy side up. My assistant shows off the dot.


If you want to add a bit more glamour, you can spend ten extra minutes gluing bias tape to the end.

I would highly recommend taking your time when putting the bias tape on. I used a cheap, fabric glue and put a line of it in the middle fold of the bias tape and then gently attached it on the edge of the bib. Warning–don’t pull too much on the bias tape to go around the corners. It will stretch the bias tape too much and wrinkle the oilcloth a bit. Not enough to be traumatic but if you are a perfectionist, well… But regardless, it’s totally adorable, eh?

and TADA! VERY EASY BIB #2!!!.

And lastly, if you really want to gild the lily, you can sew down the bias tape, which takes another 10 minutes (and 24 hours for the glue to cure) but makes this whole bib pretty indestructible.

THERE YOU GO! Super awesome EASY BIB #3.

And they work! Yay! Particularly well with breakfast burritos on Sunday mornings.

Have you ever made a bib for your little one?