Tag Archives: opinion

Widdle Change of Pace.

We interrupt today’s usual Widdle Wednesday broadcast! I confess…life is getting ahead of me and so instead of throwing together a lack luster post, I thought this would be a great time to get caught up on a few things I’ve been meaning to ask you guys. First of all, how is everybody doing? (that’s not one of the questions, by the way, I’m just socializin’ with ya.) Life has been busy busy busy around Camp Kiddo, lemme tell you! Major thanks to my girl Dottie for holding down the fort while I was cavorting about down south (and stressin’ about being buried under work!). I just got back from a weekend in LA where Wolfie and I attended a “Cutest Kid” Modeling competition hosted by mega popular British clothing company NEXT DIRECT. “What what what??” Yesiree! I said modeling competition. I had never entered him in something like this before, but people always tell me Wolfie has a unique look—and the winner received a $100K college scholarship so that seemed to good too be true! Amazingly Wolfie was one of the Top 50 chosen (out of 5,000 kids). We were flown to LA for a fun-filled weekend at Universal studios, complete with a photoshoot, hip hop dance class (hah!) and private tour of Universal. Kind of bananas folks. Alas, Wolfie didn’t win, but we had an awesome time. And Wolfie was truly AMAZING. A little gentleman and so enthusiastic about everything. He really blossomed and his photos turned out so cute. We met a ton of great people and just had a blast!

HAH! That’s the lad in hair and makeup. OK. No makeup. But they put product on his hair to make it a lil more manageable. I was dying…

So the second thing I wanted to chat with you about is……YOU! I’m looking for photos of our mommy readers for a little tribute project. Won’t you please send me a picture of yourself?? It can be any photo of you that you love (somewhat recent, please). Our readers rock, so let’s show the world what a cool/fun/cute mommy looks like!! Submit photos by May 5 (next Wednesday) to Alix [at] modernkiddo [dot] com! YAY!

And finally…I have one last request. Your opinions really matter to us, and we kind of want to know how you think we’re doing! So I would loooove it if you would take just a few minutes to take our Modern Kiddo survey. I pinkie swear this is short and sweet (and mostly multiple choice). This is your chance to give us a little feedback. Tell us what you love, what you could do without and what you want more of! Your answers are totally private so be honest! To take the survey


You are THEE BEST, my lovely readers.