Tag Archives: party ideas

Party Perfection: Circus Party from Winding Road

With Wolfie’s birthday this week, our minds can’t help but turn to parties.

We here at the Modern Kiddo Lounge love a good party.

We delight in attending a smashingly good party. We love the thought of sipping a mimosa while wearing cute shoes and turning events in our lives into charming bits of cocktail fodder. But behind every great party is a hard working person that brainstormed up a whole slew of awesome and those people need to be celebrated.  Please know, party planners and crafty moms out there–your work is appreciated!  We love your cleverness and craftiness and just sheer sassiness for pulling off amazing parties for friends and families.  Two words sum it up perfectly:  You. Rock.

Today, we’d like to share with you one of the most delicious parties we’ve seen in the blog world in awhile.  Sandy from The Winding Road held a joint circus birthday party for her five year old daughter, Laura and one year old son, Jacob.  Out of her very clever mind popped some serious awesomeness.  Sandy did a wonderful reinterpretation of a popular child’s party theme–the circus–with nary a clown in site.  Lady, I’m head over heels for this party!

Particularly when it comes to costumes.  Costumes just add a level of wonderfulness that can turn any event into something your children will remember forever. Some of my favorite memories revolve around costumes and clothes (actually I think the costume/uniform was the driving force behind me joining Brownies, Lacrosse, and Band. Hmmm….clothing obsessed even back then…)

Clearly Sandy knows the importance of a good costume.  And came up with some great ones. Sandy gives us a glimpse into her costume craftiness—with some surprisingly affordable solutions:

“I found the girls’ jackets and the baby’s tuxedo on ebay for $9.99 each! I added the gold fringe and red flower. I made their skirts myself (the harlequin fabric is by Michael Miller). Lauren’s top is really just a basic white tank top with pre-ruffled trim (from JoAnn’s Fabrics) stitched on top of it. Her top hat is from Michael’s (the doll’s section) and the feather is from there also. Her boots came from Janie and Jack. Anna’s shirt and socks along with Jacob’s shirt came from Target. I had the best time pulling bits and pieces together!”

And decor is just as key.  I love how Sandy focused on this great Circus sign as a pivotal design element.  Here’s how she made the “Circus” sign:

“It’s basically a piece of wood from Home Depot, painted, with paper mache letters added. I bought the letters at JoAnns. We placed the letters on the wood and traced them. We then removed the letters and drilled holes into the wood. We placed the letters back on and added Christmas lights from the back. The holes in the wood and in the backside of the letters were larger than those in the front as the lights needed to go all the way through the wood and into the letter but only the tip of the light showed through the letter. We used hot glue to adhere the letters to the wood and duct tape to hold the lights in place!”

Take a look at this “photo boot” Sandy set up. A simple backdrop and props are all you need. We love a good mustache. And polka dots. Boy, how we love polkadots. Oooh!

And we love smiles too.

Clearly Sandy knows how to throw a party! Thank you so much Sandy for sharing your photos with us.  For more of about Sandy and her wildly creative party, please head over here!