Tag Archives: Polka Children’s clothing

The Perfection of POLKA

Waiter, I’ll have what they are having!

I know I usually don’t start a post off with the designers, but c’mon these ladies look like they are having a blast. And who wouldn’t when the are creating such joyous clothes as these?

I’m mean really! I want to shrink myself to fit into these goodies! But how could I not love them for starting a clothing line called Polka (as in DOT).  And of course they hail from the land of Pilgrim–Australia, so that just makes them even more super spectacular in my little ole book.

Get a load of this bucket of cuteness for boys:

Oh and they do clothes for babies too. Really really stinky cute stuff for babies. Like  hide yer wallet cute. The knee patch cuteness of it all.

I know, right?

The sassiness that comes out of the minds of Jo and Marika, the two ladies above, who are the masterminds behind Polka is just amazing.

In their own words:

“Our Polka took off like a Rocket and we’ve been chasing it ever since! We design what we like, which is a lot of things really! It’s no wonder each collection doesn’t end up looking like a dog’s breakfast (apologies to overseas readers – if that is one of those kooky Australian sayings?). We are Australian – though Jo is from Canada originally, and we kind of wish we were Danish, and perhaps should have be living in the 60’s or 70’s. We are lovers of  Tokyo & Scandinavian street fashion, and both vintage retro and modern futuristic. Bohemian Folk & Blacks and Brights. Pattern & Prints are king, and pastels are passé. We love kids and their boundless energy, which is why their fashions are just so much fun.”

Alix, are these are new best Aussie friends? After Pilgrim, of course! I can be the Dot to their polka!  Tee hee!