Tag Archives: Tix

Holy Smokes! It’s a Mom 2.0 Ticket Giveaway!

Because Alix and I had such a blast at the ole ALT Summit this year (and last year) we were gunning to go to Mom 2.0 Summit this year. Why, you ask? Because it’s just one of ze best mom-focused, blogger conferences out there. Mom 2.0 is designed for smart entrepreneural woman—who just happend to be moms and kick ass. It is an amazing opportunity to talk shop with social media influencers, industry leaders and leading brands as they share best practices.

And the speaker list? ZOMG amazing. Did we mention it is in New Orleans too? Mmmhmm. April 14-16. And they are quite determined to cram as much awesomeness into those days as possible.  There are break-out sessions to discuss ways to create smarter web-based marketing, and discover social media tools that engage your audience and build relationships. Also mad networking opportunities as you connect with other bloggers. In other words it is a blogger’s dream come true.

We bought tickets to the conference and made a reservation at the Four Seasons there and started researching the thrift shops and beignet spots.

Sadly the busy fairy dropped a whole bucket of of busy on us and we can’t go.  Sniffle snuffle. But that doesn’t mean you can’t!

We chatted with the wonderful Marlo from A Tasteful Life and she said we could transfer the tix to someone else. Someone like YOU!

So, we have a little impromptu giveaway here worth$700. Two tix to 2011 Mom 2.0 Summit. Yup! Sorry we can’t pay for your plane tickets or hotel, but hey the conference itself is amazing, informative, fun and totally worth it!

So here’s the dealio to win tix to this sold out event:

  1. Leave a comment on this blog entry
  2. Follow us on Twitter. If you are already a follower, tweet about this giveaway—don’t forget to include @modernkiddo in the tweet please!
  3. “Like” us on Facebook
  4. If you already follow us on Twitter and can’t get enough, follow our personal accounts: @galexina and @missdottie

Giveaway ends Sunday, April 3rd at noon.

Good luck and I’m rooting for you to win!