Tag Archives: vintage etsy

Vintage Kiddo Retro Roundup

Oh Monday, I know you are not the most popular day of the week.  People dread you and even the Bangles wrote a song about what a rough day you are. But fret not, friends—I have rounded up a love bouquet of vintage goodness for you all to chase away any Monday moodiness! Hurrah!

This little dress is perfect for a sweet summer day, don’t you agree? And that little ruffle is so on trend, don’t you think?

Great find from Dirty Birdies Vintage!

Speaking of summer, I am head over heels for rompers or jonjons. They are so nice and light and keep the Peach cool on the most sweltering days. And this jaunty sailor romper is a grand one for this summer.

From: Recy.

And RocketGirl hipped me to another fabulous seer sucker one, but I can’t find the link. Miss Jody would you mind posting it? It is so darn cute with a carrot on it.  UPDATE: Found it! Voila!

From the fabulous vintage trunks of Phofer

Jeans and little boys just seem to go together, but it’s nice to mix things up a bit of pattern. Like these sweet plaid pants. Imagine with a pair of converse and a cool Threadless t-shirt.

I like your style Oakmom!

I love these little darling blue leather shoes!  Imagine them with some homemade shoe laces made out of pretty flower  bias tape, eh?

The Peach has a true love of kitties, as many little girls do—so I know this charming little jumper will go fast. It’s KITTYTASTIC!

I’m crazy about this terrific boho embroidered shirt.  It could so easily be dressed up or down–imagine with a great little skirt in a matroyshka print or even just with jeans.

You kill me, Apple Vintage with these great finds!

I don’t know why, but I just can’t say no to some vintage country goodness–like this nice and large size 14 vintage cowboy theme shirt, featuring cati and cowboys.  It’s made out of canvas, so it could be a really cool summer jacket for a boy (or a rather petite lady)…

From the fabulous Stiletto Girl Etsy shop.

If your kiddo loves dinosaurs (and really, what kid doesn’t) this groovy green sweater would be a great buy!  I don’t know what kind of dinosaur this is, but I think itsa kickassasaurus?

Lishyloo, you have done it again. It is taking ALL OF MY ENERGY not to buy this one myself.  Truly, I must love you readers something fierce because this little dress is just too good to be true with a lion tamer on it.  I wonder what the designer was thinking…”Hmmm… instead of doing a lion, I’m going to do a lion tamer…yeah…” And the red piping that just makes me nearly weak in the knees.  Please someone buy it and then post a photo of your little one in it.

From everyone’s favorite LishyLoo!

I think every boy should know how to tie a tie.  Actually, I think every girl should know how to do it too.  But I think these already-tied vintage ties for little boys are quite genius!  Those prints are just shy of spectacular.

From Etsy Shop LillyQueenVintage.

And one last bonus item that is just too good to not post.  And I must say, I picked this out after reading about Birdie’s new glasses.  As a girl who has worn glasses since I was in second grade and as an adult who owns probably a more than a dozen of vintage frames, I think it is never too early to start  mini myopics out there on the right path—with an awesome pair of glasses. Like these from Midstatevintage.

I hope you had a lovely lovely weekend. And remember: THREE. DAY. WEEKEND!!!

Oh, and for any of our new-found fabulous friends from the EVO conference, stay tuned—we are planning a darn-tootin-rip-roaring wrap up some time this week.