Tag Archives: vintage mannequins

Meet Blanche.

I always wanted a vintage dress form.  It is the cross section of beauty for a girl who loves sewing and loves vintage.  I’ve been looking for one for about a decade. But a month ago in a random search online, I found the perfect one off of Craig’s List. No picture. It just said vintage dress form for sale.  The lady who was went to FIDM in NYC in the late fifties/early sixties.  She took the class mannequin with her when she graduated.

As I twirled the gorgeous dress in great shape, I noticed the name “Blanche” written in pencil on her shoulder.  The lady told me that the students would name the mannequins after their least favorite teachers.  She said Blanche was something of a “tough ole bird” but was a great seamstress who had a great eye for style.

The lady selling the dress form said it still had the original linen and apologized for the stains. I like the natural aging patina. And I love thinking of all of the gorgeous dresses and outfits it wore in the sixties straight from the minds of young fashion students.  Cost: $60.  I tossed three twenties at her and ran.

So Blanche is now the patron saint of our dining room and quickly became fast friends with the Peach, who now likes to stand next to Blanche for photos! Hurrah!  I managed to get a toddler to stand still long enough to capture the vintage goodness of her little outfit.

Vintage dress with striped tights from Kawaii Kids and Livie and Luca red shoes. And boy is she tired.  This was the best photo I could take out of the six that I quickly snapped.

So, now that Georgia has a friend to stand next to, hopefully, I’ll be able to take more outfit shots of her and share some of the vintage goodies I bought for her over the years.

PS: And don’t you like our new header? From MK’s BFF, the lovely and so so talented Ms. Pilgrim.  It is perfection, just like her and the perfect way to welcome in this special time of year.  Thank you Pilgrim for giving Modern Kiddo the perfect holiday outfit. YOU ROCK!!!!