Vintage Bookshelf :: The Pocket Book.

I love this little kid’s book. Such a cute idea for a story, but I mostly love how fabulously smug each kid is: “You say you’ve got a pocket? Oh yeah?? Well I’ve got THREE pockets!” Take a look.

I’m sure there’s a bad joke to be made about the slightly creepy dad and his abundance of pockets (never mind the lollipops) but lets pretend to view this with innocent eyes, mmmkay??

9 thoughts on “Vintage Bookshelf :: The Pocket Book.

  1. Wait, say what? Whitney–thanks! I didn’t know you were a fan of Sew Weekly? I love that site. Heading over there right now! It’s my Wednesday lunch treat! Yahoo!!! That Mena Trott is six times crazy talented.

    Hey, we need to do a bay area mom blogger meet up. Over something bubbly and alcoholic. I’m just sayin’…

  2. You guys have inspried me with the vintage books. I searched at my favorite thrift stores today and got about 20 of them for about 7 buck. I cant believe the stuff i found, vintage golden books from the 50s GO ME!

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