Vintage kiddo bonanza to brighten your Monday!

Hoo boy, what a weekend.  The Peach’s birthday party at Pump it Up and my gal, Jen coming from London to talk as part of NoisePop.  Just insanity. I must admit, I’m not sure if I’m going to post a lot this week, as I really tweaked my arm–from my shoulder blade to my fingers due to a rotten computer mouse, so apologies for the short summary, but just know that the love is there!

And off we go!

OK, this vintage Billy the Kid little jacket? I want it in MY size too! LOVE! From Etsy seller, Fuzzymama!

You know we are huge fans of applique and this little jack in the box overalls are killing me with cutenss! From Etsy seller, Retro & Me!

I love a good hand-knit little cardi for a baby and this minty one is perfection! From Etsy seller, Bondplace Vintage!

Now this lion-tastic vintage skirt is available in the big girl size 10. YES!  From Reware Vintage.

Who wouldn’t want this duckie of a sweater? From Etsy seller, Brookaloo Vintage.

These shoes? Perfection. Check out that little scallop detal! From Etsy seller, Betsy Fern Vintage.

Le Petit Oiseau? You had me at pantsuit! In its complete polka dot chevron glory.

Want that springy feeling, but still need some warmth? Behold this strawberry laden beauty! From Etsy seller, The Vintage Nursery.

GAH! This dress!  I can’t stand it! My head just exploded from the awesomeness of it. From Etsy seller, UDA Kids.

Hey sailor.  The sailor look has been popular for more than 200 years, started by the royal family–with good reason, since it is so darn cute! From Etsy seller, La di Dottie.

Happy Monday, folks!


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