Although this book is aimed at adults, I think a kiddo would enjoy the heck out of it.
I found this charming wee booklet at You Are My Fave. And it is now my fave.  This book, 172 things to do to in order to increase your level of  accomplishment and will certainly increase the number of giggles in your day if nothing else.
Try yodeling? why not! Perfect for a car ride.
Choose between wool and cotton? Cotton please.
Name your sofa–oh, just think of all the wonderful names your little one could come up with for that. Â Yay!
Oh and how clever, it even comes with its own pencil. Natch!
This bit of deliciousness is by Brandy Fedorouk is quite the charmer as well–just don’t ask her to change your duvet cover and I’m sure you’ll be fast friends.
Vancouver Represent! I live a few blocks away from The Regional Assembly of Text and have a few of Brandy’s booklets stashed away. They are charming!