Category Archives: Best of Alix

Vintage Kiddo :: Never Bored of Board Games

image: maeve dooley

Like most thrifters, I usually have my little “areas” I like to check out at the thrift store. Of course you want to check out everything, but you really have to prioritize, ya know? When I was younger, I used to bee-line to the dresses and lingerie (for groovy nighties and slips) and then I’d hit the shoes and  jewelry and purses. Once I had a nicer flat, I branched out to include housewares and occasionally furniture (I didn’t have a car, so that limited my “big items”) and of course records. As I got older, and eventually had a bebe, I developed a passion for graphic design—unearthing vintage children’s books was on the top of my list. And then one day, right around when Wolfie was born, I cruising through the toy aisle and I spied this:

It was a simple Memory game….the box was a bit beat up, but I loved the type in the title so I stuck it in my cart. As I wheeled around the store I kept glancing at it. I decided to open it up, carefully prying the masking tape that help the sides closed. I was DEEELIGHTED to find the most wonderful collection of little picture tiles imaginable.

My favorite part of thrifting is when you when find something you didn’t even know you wanted. And this was like a little box of mid-century modern chocolates. Each little illustration was more special than the next. Some were actually Eames illustrations (yes, “those” Eames….) from their House of Cards deck. The others were just super cool and charming little drawings.

I was smitten! And also delighted. Just when I thought I had figured out all my little “areas” in the thrift store, here was a whole new category. Board games! It had never really occurred to me to check that section. I remember thinking, “Have I been under a rock? Is everyone snapping up games?? How have I missed this!” Luckily my friend Jenny said to me, “You know after you found that Memory game, I always make a point to swing by the games!” She’s a consummate thrifter so I felt better knowing that I wasn’t alone in my new discovery.

Ever since then, I always make sure I take a little stroll down the toy and puzzle aisle to look for fun board games. I’m rarely disappointed. The games are usually fun (we love to play boardgames and card games) but even when they’re a little lame, the graphics more than make up for it. Check out the mysterious 3-Up. No clue how to play this, but I loved the colors and had to buy it!

Here are some others that I thought were really fun:

image: e.e. reilly

Heh. I remember this one….featuring the exciting SLAM-O-MATIC!

image: christian montone

These little shopping cart game pieces are brilliant.

image: neato coolville

So good, it’s NIRTZ. (huh?)

image: christian montone

Please note the “cootie” in the bottom right corner.

image: PopKulture

This one I left at the store—not sure I would ever be up for a rousing game of FINANCE. But I do love the cover and snapped a photo of it.

Hee. For some reason Wolfie loves this next game, even though he doesn’t really “get it”. It’s from 1967 and it’s called Chutzpah. It’s essentially a Jewish version of Monopoly—a mazel to the illustrator because the lettering is pretty awesome.

Often you’ll find the artwork changed from year to year and I always love to discover different versions of games I loved. Take this classic, Go to the Head of Class. In the 50s it looked like this:

image: popkulture

So sweet, isn’t it? But then check out the 1967 version….this is the one my cousin had in the 70s. I think the illustrations on the game pieces are soooooo terrific!

image: hm david

Butch! Susie! Cowboy Joe! Oh how I love ya. They totally remind me of Art Seiden drawings.

image: susanna ryan

And finally. One of my faaaaaaavorite games growing up was CLUE. I loved it. My 70s version had photographs of all the characters—I loved the vampy Miss Scarlet the best. Then I found THIS:

Colonel Mustard, in the library, with the leadpipe…

Aw yeah, so fantastic, eh?? Miss Scarlet is so much sweeter here—wonder who made the call, “Let’s vamp her up!” My Miss Scarlett was asian with a sultry stare and a red cigarette holder. A far cry from that demure cutie below!

So there you have it. Pretty fun huh! And if you don’t want to play the actual board games, you can always hang them up and enjoy them as art—which i think is a pretty swell idea.

image: buddy rooster

Baby You Can Park My Car :: Vintage Toy Garage Fun.

image: dogboneart

One of my favorite toys of all time is the little Fisher Price garage. You may remember it from my vintage Fisher Price post last year. As I said back then, the elevator was really the best….all open-air and your Little Person perilously close to plunging to his or her death all for the sake of a parking space. So good!

What I didn’t realize was that vintage toy garages were kind of a “thing”. I discovered these adorable vintage toy garages when I was researching old doll houses, and WOW. They are so cool. They almost look like little architectural models. I think they’d be fun to play with but they are also kind of amazing to display on a book shelf. I think I’m gonna go out on a limb here and just say it—mini retro gas stations are the new globe, ya’ll. Check it out:

image: alte-parkhaeuser

Pretty amazing, eh? No wonder this guy looks so pleased. Although hmmm…..I think someone forget to bring him the cars to go inside the garage.

Image: Vintage Toy Garage

Welcome to the World of Modern Kiddo

Welcome to our wild and wonderful world! If you’re new to Modern Kiddo, this will give you a great little peek into what we’re all about!

Click the title to go to the post if you want to read it in full!


Vintage is our middle name here at Modern Kiddo….it’s what makes us giddy and it’s what really sets us apart from most of the other kid’s blogs out there. Our vintage luv goes beyond clothing, however. It’s also about vintage design, textiles, colors and the warm nostalgia that comes from the memories of our own childhood.

Vintage Kiddo Retro Round Up

On February 10, 2010 I posted the very first Vintage Kiddo Retro Round Up….little did we know it would grow into one of our most popular features! Now every Monday we post our favorite vintage kiddo finds from Etsy and eBay. Dottie has been our main currator these past few years and has really taken it up a notch. I’m pleased to report that the items we post on the Vintage Kiddo Round Up tend to sell like hotcakes! Yes folks….when Kiddo speaks, shoppers listen.

“Thrifting is one of my favorite things to do, but to be honest the San Francisco thrift stores are somewhat pricey and picked over. I still have my secret faves (hello Vallejo!) but it’s extremely rare to find cute vintage kid stuff at the Bay Area thrifts. If you don’t have time to thrift shop, or your stores are chocked full of 90s yuck with nary a true “vintage” item in sight, then e-thrifting is just the thing for you….”

The Fisher Price is Right

“Growing up in Michigan in the 70s/80s, my brother and I were Fisher Price connoisseurs. We started with the little kid stuff—pull toys, rock-a-stack (those round plastic donut shaped circles) and the ever popular popcorn puller dealie. Then we graduated to the Fisher Price camera and the awesome world of Little People. My favorites were the Castle (with it’s secret trap door), the A-Frame Chalet and the Sesame Street playset…we even got a cool knock off of a Little People Holiday Inn, which we LOVED because every summer our family drove from Michigan to California and we stayed in Holiday Inns. It was like having a toy made especially for us!”

Welcome to the Doll Haus

“…As if my mother’s German dollhouse was calling to me from beyond, a random chain of link clicking let me down another path. And I stumbled upon the Holy Grail of dollhouse imagery: The Puppenhaus Museum. And my jaw dropped. There I found the most delicious collection of vintage 70s dollhouses you can ever hope to see—each with home interiors that are so cool and so colorful, I’d move in tomorrow. Welcome to the Puppenhaus my friends…”

Vintage storybook lamps, anyone?

“As a self-proclaimed expert on all things vintage (or as the hubs would claim, “a know-it-all”. *sigh*), I love when I discover new things! A toy that I’d forgotten about, a unique item that I’d never seen before, or better yet finding out some new information about an item I have always loved. Take that little lamp in the photo above, for instance. It’s cute, huh! I had one as a child and I think they’re pretty darn adorable. Let’s take a little closer look…”

You Spin Me Right Round

“Like most vinyl junkies, I love that crackle as you gently plunk the needle on the record, but I also love the ritual of sitting cross-legged on the floor and checking out the album art. Vintage kid’s records are a treasure trove of amazing artwork. You’ll find cool illustrations, bright colors, amazing fonts and genius type treatments. Since you all seemed to enjoy our little trip down memory lane with vintage Fisher Price, I thought it’d be fun to check out some awesome records covers. C’mon, let’s go!”

The 70s Retro Playground

“As you guys all pretty much know by now, I am crazy about the 60s and 70s. I kind of thought I’d seen and remembered it all, until a friend sent me a few photos of a playground that still had swings and slides from the 1970s. And lawdy did it ever take me back! I had TOTALLY forgotten about most of these, but seeing them again made me smile. I know they don’t make them like this anymore for fear of accidents (the metal designs are begging for injuries) but at the same time it makes me a tad sad that we are a generation who bubble wraps their kids. Look HOW MUCH FUN these things are….I am especially fond of the rocket ships and space themed playgrounds. Just think how many space missions went down on these cool things…”

Beyond Blythe! Quirky Dolls of the 60s & 70s

“Most of you guys know I love my Blythe dollies. To me they are the quintessential doll to represent the 70s: stylish, cool, colorful and just a leetle bit weird. BUT I’ve already written a ton about them (you can read my fun article on Blythe in MAEVE magazine over here), so I wanted to show you some of Blythe’s kooky, and lesser known, friends…”


Of course we love the vintage, but there’s a reason we called this site Modern Kiddo. We’re all about mixin’ and matchin’ old luvs with new favorites! And if they’re retro inspired? So much the better!

Jumping For Jumpers

“When I found out I was having a girl, my thoughts immediately turned to how I was going to dress the little elf. And one thing came to mind: a jumper. To me, nothing is cuter than a little girl in a jumper. Or pinafore, or whatever people are calling simple sleeveless little A-line dresses that are popping up everywhere with button on the shoulders. Just toss that over a onesie or plain shirt and your little girl is good to go! And as my little sweetie grows it turns from a dress into a tunic…”

Mod About You

“We at Modern Kiddo love vintage inspired goodies…and if you’re a regular reader then you know that the sixties are one of my favorite decades to play around with. Let’s get inspired by the graphic coolness of that mod mod world…”


Over the course of the year we saw some of the most clever kiddo birthday parties. Here were some of our favorites!

Raggedy Ann Love

“I was the only girl in my family. Outnumbered four to one growing up.   My childhood was filled with toilet seats left up, Rock ‘Em Sock ‘Em robot fights, a never ending parade of noogies, and more sports equipment than I thought was legally possible to keep outside of professional teams.

But I had my Raggedy Ann.  We went everywhere together.  She was my confidant, my baby, my comfort.  Not a night past without her little yarn head tucked into the crook of my arm at bedtime. She was my stand-in baby girl until I had my own…”

Rainbow Brite Birthday Fun With Pippi

“I love this kiddo! She’s got mad style and clearly a most adorable personality to boot! Last weekend she celebrated her 3rd birthday. Her mama Heather told me that she didn’t have much time to throw together the party and had to get creative. Well, let’s just say I can’t wait to see what this talented lady cooks up when she HAS time. I think this is one of the cutest parties ever, and what I love most about it is that it was super simple, sweet and affordable. The theme? Rainbows.”

Circus Party from Winding Road

“Today, we’d like to share with you one of the most delicious parties we’ve seen in the blog world in awhile. Sandy from The Winding Road held a joint circus birthday party for her five year old daughter, Laura and one year old son, Jacob.  Out of her very clever mind popped some serious awesomeness. Sandy did a wonderful reinterpretation of a popular child’s party theme—the circus—with nary a clown in site. Lady, I’m head over heels for this party…”


Oh the rooms….the rooms! It was hard to choose just two, but these two little charming bedrooms stole our hearts.

Dotty’s Polka Dotted Rainbow Room.

Sayer Goes Retro Modern.


We love a good DIY project here at the Kiddo and this year we saw quite a few gems. I love photography and art projects, but my one downfall is my utter lack of sewing ability. Let’s just say I hem with a good ol’ pair of scissors instead of a needle and thread. Lucky for me I have Miss Dottie around! Dottie loves hands-on crafts and is a genius at knitting, sewing and crochet. She always features the cutest and coolest crafty goodness!

Dottie’s Kraft Corner

“The Peach is learning pretend play. First, it started so sweetly with her pretend drinking out of one of the halves of her Matroyska doll. And soon it led to her pretending to eat random scraps of paper and saying “yummy”.  That was all I needed to hot-foot it over to Michael’s to buy 20 sheets of felt because finally I had a reason to make FELT FOOD for my little one…”

Japanese Craft Books

“For the true crafty mama out there, there is always another project on the horizon. Something new to discover. A new craftastic goodie that you can spend hours working on once your little one is in bed.  And it is not just one craft–oh no. Our obsession leaves no corner of Michael’s unscathed!  Knitting? Sure! Crochet? Bring it! Sewing? Natch! Scrapbooking? In my sleep. And what keeps us crafters going? A good daily dose of craft porn…”

We also been lucky enough to have had tons of amazing guest posts from special friends. Here are just a sampling:

Vintage-Inspired Arrow Decor from Danielle Thompson

“I’ve been in the process of redecorating my boys’ room since they “moved in together” and are sharing a room. I’ve been perusing the interwebs for months now searching out the perfect items. I remember I had a thought one day that vintage arrows would be so cool as decor, displayed on the wall somehow. Arrows are such a classic symbol and evoke the “cowboy and indians” game that boys have played for ages!”

A Hip Chore Chart from Draw! Pilgrim

Pilgrim needs a Year in Review all her own….she created so much beautiful, playful artwork for us over the year. She is a true talent and as lovely in person as she is online! Her fun Chore Chart made cleaning up cool!

And speaking of shutterbean…..her genius meals have kept us well fed all year long!

Easy Peasy Meals with Shutterbean


One of our favorite features is the Weekly Kiddo. Our original take on street style—inspired by the Wardrobe Remix. You sent us photos of your adorable kid’s rockin’ some really cool style. We had retro kiddos, hipster kiddos, preppy kiddos….but best of all, they all looked utterly comfortable and at ease in their cool style.

Our first boy was that little heart breaker Max:

And our first Weekly Kiddo girl was the ever amazing Pippi!

See the whole collection of cuties here.


Simply put, we have the best readers out there! You guys make this so fun and we love the great community that is evolving over here. While we chat a lot about kiddos, we like to give it up for the mamas whenever we get a chance.

Modern Kiddo’s Guide to Comfy Kicks

“Sensible shoes. *shudder* Second only to the dreaded MOM JEAN. Once you become a mama you have to stay sure footed and let’s face it, comfort becomes a #1 priority. For many people though, this means sacrificing style. Phooey on that, I say. I’m pretty passionate about finding pretty footwear that won’t leave me having to soak or bandage my tootsies at the end of the day. That’s me up there (on the left—the insanity going on on the right is my stylish friend Denise, who looked amazing in these but totally confessed she rarely wears them and they are a pain in the arse to walk in. My yellow shoes have a small 1.5 inch heel and, while I won’t be running any marathons in them, they are pretty damn comfy. I thought it would be fun to give you my tips and tricks when it comes to finding fab footwear…”

This is What a Mother Looks Like

On Mother’s Day we did a special tribute to the mamas. It was one of my favorite posts of the year.

“To all of the many amazing, strong, sweet, powerful, thoughtful, bold, kind, crazy, shy, loud, fabulous women we know….we love you and salut you. You really do have the hardest job in town. And you know what? Your child is *totally* the cutest, smartest kiddo we know….
Presenting just a small selection of  our beloved  friends and readers. Mothers, all of ’em. Ladies, I have to say, DAMN ya’ll look good…”

It’s the Modern Kiddo Costume Parade!

Our reader’s are such a crafty lot…on Halloween I asked people to submit their homemade costumes—whether they were fab or craft fails. Yeah, I shoulda known. ALL the costumes were spectacular. Not a dud in the lot!


Midyear we realized that we wanted you guys to get to know us, the faces behind the cute kiddos. And we stated a feature called Real Life—which was a peek into our lives. Thanks for allowing us to share ourselves with ya!

A Day at the Museum

A Day at Fairy Land

The Kiddos Hit the Road: EVO Conference

A Trip to Tiki Oasis

Peach’s Amazing Gnome Costume

Alix is in Prague


And finally….this is who we do it all for. Our very own Modern Kiddos: Georgia and Wolfgang, two of the sweetest cuties around!

This year Dottie’s lovely little Peach turned one and she sure did it in style! She is the the most darling little child and you just want to give her cuddles! I swear she’s like a walking little doll.

And then there’s my little Wolfie…..what can I say? He is goofy, kind, charming and such a big love bug.My boy turned 6 this year and he just gets better every year. I love this little mop top more than anything.

So there you have it folks! If you made to the end of this honkin’ post I’m impressed…hopefully you found some fun stuff you might have missed or had a good time reviewing old faves! I know there are plenty of things I left out but we’d be here all day…and I’ve got some New Year’s Eve goodies to start making.

Much love to you and yours for a bright and sparkling New Year!

Are you tracking Santa’s Christmas travels? Here’s how!

image: Nashlinks

On Christmas Eve in 1955, the red hotline phone rang at the Continental Air Defense Command office (CONAD). Colonel Harry Shoup was the commanding officer and he quickly picked up the phone. On the other end of the line was a young boy asking to speak to Santa Claus. Colonel Shoup wasn’t amused and thought one of his fellow officer was playing a joke on him. But then the phone rang again, this time with another child who began reciting his Christmas list. The calls continued through the night and Colonel Shoup knew he had to get to the bottom of things. After a little investigating, he discovered that the local Sears & Roebuck had produced a holiday advertisement that listed a special phone number so children could call Santa Claus. Unfortunately they misprinted the phone number and instead of reaching Santa, the phone number put kids straight through to the Commander-in-Chief’s “hotline” phone at CONAD!

Colonel Shoup was a kindly man and rather than ignore the barrage of calls flooding his phone, he came up with a clever idea. In a lovely gesture, he told the children that while he wasn’t Santa, he was quite “in the know” on Santa’s whereabouts. In fact, he claimed that he and his staff could see Santa on their Radar screens as he headed down from the North Pole. Throughout the evening, every child who called received an update on Santa’s progress. Local media heard of the calls and reported the story….and the next year even more calls came flooding in. Colonel Shoup and his team answered every call.

In 1957, COVAD became the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) and they continued the tradition. Soon NORAD was partnering with Armed Forces Radio and broadcasting their Santa updates.  Children all across the country would tune in eagerly every Christmas Eve to hear updates on Santa’s travels.

Of course, in this day and age Santa has gone global and NORAD maintains the tradition with a really great web site that allows you and your kiddos to track Santa Claus as he makes his Yuletide journey around the world!

Greg discovered the Norad Tracks Santa site a few years ago and we’ve made it a bit of a family tradition. Wolfie loves it and eagerly reports to us which continent Santa is on and when he’s getting closer to our house.

It wasn’t until recently that I became aware of the sweet history behind NORAD and Santa Clause, but I thought it was terrific. Unfortunately Colonel Shoup passed away last year, but his lovely tradition continues to live on, bringing Christmas joy and a sense of wonder to little kiddos everywhere.

images: Norad

Be sure to track Santa with your kiddos this Christmas Eve! You can do so on Norad Tracks Santa. Ho ho ho!

Vintage Kiddo: Beyond Blythe! The Quirky Dolls of the 60s/70s!

YAY!!!!!! It’s so good to be back!! We really did miss ya’ll like crazy. How awesome was Dottie’s Retro Roundup?? My wallet is thankful that Wolfie is growin’ like a weed and can’t wear any of that cuteness! (Never mind that he would probably strongly object to the darling color-block mini dress..) So in honor of our triumphant return (take THAT H@CKERS!) I thought it would be fun to do a Vintage toy post….and I knew *just* the thing I wanted to share with you.

Most of you guys know I love my Blythe dollies. To me they are the quintessential doll to represent the 70s: stylish, cool, colorful and just a leetle bit weird. BUT I’ve already written a ton about them (you can read my fun article on Blythe in MAEVE magazine over here), so I wanted to show you some of Blythe’s kooky, and lesser known, friends!

image: ~Jo~

Back in the 1960s and 1970s, toy manufacturers were CLEARLY smoking the wacky tobacky as they sat around and drummed up new toy ideas. Most really make no sense, yet I still find them all beautifully bizarre. Let’s take a look at a handful of my faves!


In 1969, Ideal introduced Flatsy. And yup, like the name says she is a mega flat doll. Flatsieswere made of rubber and had wire inserts that made them flexible, much like Gumby. The Teenage Fashion Flatsy was far creepier looking to me. They had the most awesome catch phrase: “She’s Flat and That’s That”. Kind of says it all.

image: Natsuko


In 1971, Hasbro brought us The Leggies! These odd dolls were identified by their excessively long and gangly legs. In this day and age, they send a pretty bad message about body image….but I can’t lie I find them pretty cute. You know, in a Daddy Long Legs kinda way.

Meet Leggy Nan, Leggy Sue, Leggy Jill and Leggy Kate.

Images: mame3


With lavender skin and luscious green locks, Emerald was a quirky, sprightly imp. The thing that made her so cool was that she had a little switch in the back that made her eyes glow. She was made in 1972 by Milton Bradley. She’s kind of like a combination of My Little Pony and those crazy Troll dolls. But def cuter.

image: Fluxie

image: funny bunny


Glamorous, glittery and faaaabulous! It’s the Wonderful World of DAWN. Created by Topper Toys in 1970, she was a diminutive answer to Barbie. Dawn had long blonde hair and a bevy of pals—Angie, Dale, Gloria, Jessica, Longlocks and GARY. Oh Gary. I always loved her little ensembles.


In 1972, riding coattails of  Margaret Keane’s popular wide-eyed moppets came Susie Sad Eyes. I think the name sort of says it all. So small. So sad. *sniff* Makes me want to hear Peggy Lee’s, “Is That All There Is?”

images: Susie Sad Eyes Flickr Group

OK. Susie Sad Eyes has *nothing* on this little waif. She’s pretty amazing but also makes me a little sad. The colossal eyes and little crystalline tear drop are one thing…but the burlap sack and bare feet take her over the edge. I’m DYING to know what marketing genius thought this would be a “fun” doll for little girls.

Are you dying yet?? I mean, it isn’t enough that the poor thing is wearing a burlap sack, they gotta put her in a snowstorm box??? Oh Hasbro….


Weeeeee! These tiny treasures stand an awesome 2 3/4″ to 4″ tall. There was even a super teensy version that was about an inch tall. Despite their diminutive stature, they still had rooted hair and moveable arms and legs. They were produced by Mattel from 1966-1971. My favorites are the Lucky Locket Kiddles (which were necklaces). They were also Kiddle Kologne and Kola Kiddles (who lived in a perfume and soda bottle respectively) and the green Kosmic Kiddles—flying around in their hip UFOs. But really, the Kiddle Lockets were where it was at.

image: super junk


I’ve saved the best for last. This kookoo doll is one of my all-time favorites. Created in 1966, the lovely Peteena came with her own polka dot bikini. Um. Yes. A poodle-kini. While she has a the head of a pup, her body is human….she is totally weird but with her long lashes and sweet smile, I find her oddly lovely. Call me crazy.

image: Peteenainct

image: xie kitchen

image: axelsrose

That’s it for today’s toy round up. What do you think? Do these delight you or make you scratch your head?? One thing’s for certain, these dollies are every bit as colorful and creative as the 60s and 70s themselves.