Crank Up the Hi-Fi! // Alix’s Retro Holiday Mix Vol. 1, 2 & 3

Christmas time is without a doubt my favorite time of year! It has been, ever since I was a little girl. I love the lights. I love decorations. I love the spirit of happiness. And I LOVE THE MUSIC! As a result, I have been collecting vintage Christmas records for ages—there is something about a holiday song played on a hi-fi that makes it even more festive. To this day two of my favorite albums are a Johnny Mathis Christmas and a Compilation from Sears, because they remind me of the music my parents would play for us when we were kiddos.

Back in the day, Christmas music was soooo much more fun and interesting! Nowadays I feel like all we get are the latest R&B pop star slaughtering an old carol with vocal acrobatics. Back in the day, people actually wrote new Christmas songs or did innovative versions of old standards. There were also TONS of compilations featuring all the stars of the day!

Over the past years I have wanted to digitize my vinyl as a way to preserve it—and so I could share it with others. I’ve transformed a fair amount of my albums to MP3 and have managed to build a fun library of vintage vinyl.

Without further ado, here are the last three mixes I’ve put up!  They’re an eclectic mix, excellent for tree trimmings, fire side evenings and cocktail parties.  I hope they add a little cheer to your house this holiday season! Just give Modern Kiddo a nod if someone says, “Wow, where did you get this amazing holiday mix from??” Hee.

Please note: the mixes are for personal use ONLY. each mix becomes password protected after December, so grab ’em now!

ALIX’S Retro Holiday Mix VOL 1

It’s all smooth (and quirky) cocktails-by-the-fire kinda music. Some highlights?

“Too Fat for the Chimney” — Gisele Mackenzie
“Santa Claus is Coming to Town” — Loretta Young
“A Christmas Song” — Shawn Phillips (a dixieland cowboy xmas)
“Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree”— The Partridge Family


ALIX’S Retro Holiday Mix VOL 2
A tad more lively than Vol 1. Some highlights:

“We Wish You A Merry Christmas” — The Border Brass
“Santa Claus is Coming to Town” — The Jackson Five
“I’m Gonna Lasso Santa Claus” — Brenda Lee
“Hey! Santa Claus”—  The Moonglows


ALIX’S Retro Holiday Mix VOL 3
Last year I continued with the retro 50s/60s but dabbled into some funky 70s. Some highlights:

“Jingle Bells” —Sammy Davis Jr.
“A Funky Christmas” — J. Hines and the Boys
“Santa, How Come Your Eyes Are Green (When Last Year They Were Blue)” — Louis Prima
“Senor Santa Claus” — Jim Reeves


ENJOY my friends!

19 thoughts on “Crank Up the Hi-Fi! // Alix’s Retro Holiday Mix Vol. 1, 2 & 3

  1. Can you put them on Dropbox? It won’t let me download them, it says “Permission Denied. This file has been identified as a copyright protected work and cannot be distributed using MediaFire.”

      1. Somehow #3 downloaded then gave me that warning screen–I think it is a new MediaFire issue, I had it happen with someone else’s mix a few days ago.

  2. i love mixes, especially vinyl! eek! but i keep getting a message saying these are copyright protected and i can’t download them….:( any suggestions?

  3. Oh, they look so awesome, but when I go to download the first one, MediaFire tells me it’s identified it as copyright protected and it denies me permission. Wahh humbug!

  4. I don’t suppose there’s any way to make these available in mp3 format? I would love to get these mixes on my ipod but at the moment I can only open the AAC files in Quicktime! I’m not a massive computer whizz so sorry if the answer is blindingly obvious… The mixes are absolutely brilliant, I’ve been looking for good versions of these songs all over the place!

    1. Hmm I have them all on my iPod. Let me look and see what’s up! I had to switch hosting methods from last year and maybe I uploaded it weirdly. Lemme check!

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