Guess who’s birthday it is?

Yup! Our Alix!

Right now, our Alix is driving back from Tiki-Oasis and celebrating her birthday in a car, so let’s throw a surprise birthday party for Alix!

Pretend I’m serving fabulous champagne and yummy appetizers and we can all stop by and give Alix a few Enid Collins bags, vintage Lily Pulitzer dresses and pretty shiny jewelry.

So, here’s a birthday toast to Alix:

“To Alix, a truly remarkable gal who I’m so honored to call a friend.  You can make me laugh no matter what–whether our plane is three hours late, or we’ve been pulling all-nighter or just finished the day in agony from wearing too tight shoes that are too fabulous not to wear.

You are a powerhouse of a mama and make it all look so easy but at the same time I know the effort it takes.  Under your love Wolfie has more than thrived and turned into a most wonderful gracious, loving boy.  And you are rock star at your job, Donna Draper. You are an endless inspiration for all things vintage and a fabulous font of knowledge.  

You have this crazy gift where you could walk into any place and find a fabulous outfit.  I could drop you into the desert with nothing but a jackknife and you would come out with a vintage DVF wrap dress and an original pair of Ferragamo rainbow wedge shoes that you charmed some lady into giving you for $20. Well done, lady!

You are drop dead gorgeous and you don’t even know the half of it.  And have so many brilliant accomplishments under your belt that would wow anyone and yet you are totally approachable and down to earth.  So, on your birthday, let me take a moment to tell you that YOU ARE AMAZING and I am so very thankful to have you in my life!”

So leave her a little birthday toast in the comments and welcome her back home after all of her travels this month!

Thanks and I know Alix will appreciate it!

18 thoughts on “Guess who’s birthday it is?

  1. Happy Berfday Alix!!! I feel like I know her personally even though we have never met—we’ve been internet ships-in-the-night for years –remember livejournal? anyone? anyone? Bueller? (I was jadeblade on lj,she was galaxiegirl…) and I’m sure I will be following her online until we are both old and gray. She inspires me all the time and I plan to internet-stalk her for-EVAH.
    Happy Birthday girlie!!!
    xo Cara

  2. Dearest Alix, I admired you from afar for YEARS online and thought, “That is the kind of gal I want to have for a friend.” Now all these years later I am so proud and happy to say that my dream came true!

    I hope your dreams come true today and every day, my darling. You are so fabulous and beyond that — caring and kind and my life is better just having you in it and being part of your glittery, sparkling, flower pinned orbit.

    Cheers to you on your special day — we love you!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!


  3. I love this! Happy happy birthday! You’re the goddess of all things colorful and sparkly. I regularly look at this blog and then promptly rip off whatever awesome new clothing idea you’ve had, so I can pretend I’m as stylish as you. I hope Tiki-O was fantastic!

  4. Dear Alix,
    Wishing you a fantabulous day and year ahead. I will always be grateful to you for welcoming me into this crazy blogging world with kindness, acceptance and always a cheerful word. You are da best, ze best and la best!! Bisou Bisous Gorgeous.

  5. OMG! I had no idea it was your bday today when I sent you my note! Very serendipitous!
    Wishing you another amazingly fabulous year fill with many laughs, many hugs, and many wonderful successes!

  6. Happy Birthday Galaxy Girl! That toast even made me teary : ) Hope you have a fabulous year!

    (Disney pics to come-thank you for all your great advice!)

  7. THIS IS THE SWEETEST THING EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Thank you so much my wonderful friends.
    We just got back late last night and this was so wonderful to read on my wee little phone screen on the drive home.

    big smooches to you all!!

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