Meet G

Friends, I have a super special treat for you with this weekly kiddo.  He is the whip smart, handsome son of my wonderful friend, Amy Gershoni–part of the uber creative team, Gershoni. And this boy’s name is G.  Just the letter G.  Future teenage girls of the 2026 high school class, start swooning now.

G is a 4 years old, San Francisco native and urban explorer.

G is one busy little guy whose list of roles include Golden Gate Park roll polly collector, sidewalk chalk artist, sit-in drummer with “his” Farmers Market band.

G has an adventurous palette downing tobiko and strong cheese, but his current fav is pancakes with blueberries, bananas and walnuts. (That DOES sound yummy…)

Mr. G is a great mimic, wielding his pre-school French with perfect elocution.  He is an abstract painter, a tiny car racer (complete with sound effects), a power book reader/ listener, a great story teller with his own cast of characters, and a world class cuddler.

He can rock a Tree Pose unaided and is about to master the somersault.  He has recently learned how to shake hands.

But more than anything else, he is a charming, sweet boy who is gonna rock the world. Just you wait and see, friends!

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